25 videos • 138 views • by Sound of Stars Frequencies In undergroundlab@ , "nova422000" wrote: Hi Doc, I tried out the frequencies Good Luck Evoker, Accumulate, Solidfy Gains on a demo account. Recently, I have discovered a way to get good certainty of the direction of prices based on repeated patterns. It looked so good I put in ALL my money into a real account instead of waiting. I saw a short term reversal of the GBP/USD coming, which should be quite obvious for those who follow the market. It's in the timing that counts on when the reversal starts. While transferring the money, I began listening to the above frequencies over the weekend and began to trade immediately based on my observation of how prices move. I wasn't listening when I was trading. The prices moved as expected. I was having several moments of prescience as if I knew how the prices will move. But I got caught as well when I don't follow my own set of rules 3 times and my account got withered. This time, I was able to come back quite easily (Good Luck) and every loss, however the size, became profits on the same day. In 10 days, I doubled my money and I am now taking out all the profit and leaving the capital plus some in the account. When I said I put in all my money, I meant it. I am living on borrowed money from my mother, which should warn you that I have a 'one for all, all for none' streak. I have to add here that I once told Doc I think day trading is like a speeding biker weaving in and out of traffic, but I found myself day trading instead. It was dangerous yet I wasn't even bothered by it. I just kept focus. I suspect it was this unique turbulence in the market that helped reversed my losses to profits and sent my profits up high. Nonetheless, I won't recommend trading the way I did. I paid about $600 in commissions a day in multiple trades on 2 lot trades, which should give an indication of how wild it was, but the frequencies will play in my head as I hear them so often and I seem to be able to get back up each time I get whacked down. I also have a little assistant. A gemstone of special power which I shan't reveal, so this is a report that the frequencies helped in combination with my method of trading and my little friend. I have to write the above as my concern is people start thinking they are gonna drop their jobs and start an account to trade with these frequencies and succeed. I think the frequencies are good and work but novices and dreamers should stay away from financial markets until they put in solid research work into it. Nova