Steinhart Centennial

21 videos • 182 views • by California Academy of Sciences On September 29, 1923, Steinhart Aquarium’s very first guests passed through its grand neoclassical entrance and into a never-before-seen undersea world. Over the next 100 years, millions of museumgoers would marvel at creatures from every corner of the Earth—playful African penguins, kaleidoscopic coral reef fish, toothy, tranquil Claude—and grow their sense of wonder for our ocean planet. Meanwhile, on the other side of the tanks, Steinhart scientists would achieve numerous breakthroughs in animal care, exploration, and regeneration. Today, Steinhart continues to shape the role that modern aquariums play in connecting people with aquatic and terrestrial biodiversity and protecting the planet we all share. As we begin our second century, we thank our diverse community—humans and animals alike—for being part of our first.