How To Fix Knee Pain - Best Exercises and Stretches

28 videos • 84,168 views • by Tone and Tighten The best exercises to strengthen your knee and decrease pain. Instant pain relief from this series of knee strengthening and stretching exercises. In this playlist, you'll learn the best exercises for the muscles that move your knee (quads and hamstrings) as well for those that support your knee (hips and ankles). Videos include the best exercises to strengthen your knee, how to treat IT band pain, how to treat kneecap (and under the kneecap) pain, how to check for a meniscus tear at home, etc. Knee pain is a common problem that affects millions of people every year. Fortunately there's a lot that the right physical therapy exercises, including strengthening the right muscles and stretching the right areas, can do to eliminate this pain and help you to feel better. I hope this playlist helps you; please be sure to LIKE videos, SHARE with friends who could use this in their lives, and SUBSCRIBE to my channel.