Stroke Recovery Testimonials | Aviv Clinics

5 videos • 186 views • by Aviv Clinics Meet the people who turned to Aviv Clinics to treat the challenges they faced after a stroke. Across the globe, stroke is the second leading cause of mortality and number-three cause of disability. Survivors are frequently left with motor function challenges as well as cognitive impairments. Most stroke survivors are told not to expect many improvements to their condition after the first six months. Now there is new hope. The Aviv Medical Program, a medical treatment clinically proven to reverse impairments associated with stroke, is helping stroke survivors restore cognitive and physical vitality and regain some of their capabilities — even several years after their stroke. Learn more about how the Aviv Medical Program can assist with stroke recovery: Contact us to learn more about the personalized post-stroke treatment program available at Aviv Clinics: or call us directly at 352-718-2381 to schedule a free no-obligation consultation. The Aviv Medical Program provides you with a unique opportunity to invest in your health while you recover from a variety of conditions, including stroke, TBI or concussion, long COVID, and more. We have created a state-of-the-art program that can combine a personalized program of cognitive and physical training, nutritional coaching, and a unique, evidence-based hyperbaric oxygen protocol to help you maximize your cognition, vitality and quality of life. Our multidisciplinary team of healthcare specialists uses in-depth assessments and analytics to create a plan fully personalized for you. Learn about the science behind our HBOT protocol: Don't take our word for it, read our testimonials: Follow us to stay updated on our HBOT program! Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: