What root cause can explain all the symptoms of Fibromyalgia/ME/CFS/POTS?

3 videos • 3,966 views • by CFS Unravelled Before one can consider how to recover from fibromyalgia, recover from ME/CFS or recover from POTS, the key is to understand what is causing the illness. So what is the root cause of ME/CFS, root cause of Fibromyalgia and root cause of POTS? Are they the same or are they different? What criteria would have to be met for you to feel comfortable that an explanation for the root cause of the illness is valid? In this 3 part video series we answer these and many more questions, including: - how and why people get the illness in different ways; - why the illness perpetuates; - how people recover in different ways; - 5 key elements of a successful recovery.