Carnivore Diet Recipes

10 videos • 2,847 views • by TheWolfePit The Carnivore Diet is a restrictive diet that eliminates most plant foods, including fruits, vegetables, and beans. When following a Carnivore Diet, a person relies solely on animal products to meet all or most of their nutritional needs. This diet is popular amongst people who want to lose weight and improve medical conditions like diabetes. There are numerous health concerns related to this eating pattern, but some argue that the Carnivore Diet is a healthy way to eat. This article takes a deep dive into the Carnivore Diet and tells you everything you need to know about what it is, how to follow it, and how this unconventional way of eating affects health. How To Follow the Carnivore Diet Although the Carnivore Diet has only recently become popular, scientists have been interested in this very low-carb way of eating for hundreds of years. There are several accounts of researchers mimicking the traditional meat-based dietary intake of Arctic or nomadic societies as far back as the 1700s. For example, in 1797 Dr. John Rollo successfully treated patients with type 2 diabetes using a diet that consisted primarily of meat and fat after studying the very low-carbohydrate diet of indigenous people in St. Lucia. After discovering that a very low-carb diet benefited those with diabetes, it became a widely adopted treatment for managing this condition until the discovery of insulin in 1921.1 The Carnivore Diet we know today was popularized by Shawn Baker, M.D., who authored a book titled The Carnivore Diet in 2018 after finding that a meat-based diet benefited his health. This version of the Carnivore Diet advocated for the complete elimination of plant foods and total reliance on meat and other animal products like eggs, seafood, and full-fat dairy products. Some Carnivore advocates follow a strict Carnivore Diet that only includes animal-based foods, while others follow less restrictive versions that allow for small amounts of plant-based foods, like low-carb vegetables. However, most people following Carnivore-type diets get most of their calories from meat and other animal foods. Foods You Can Eat Although there are different versions of the Carnivore Diet, most people following this eating pattern primarily consume animal foods, such as: Meat: Steak, pork, ground beef, bison, lamb, and venison Organ meats: Liver, heart, and kidneys Poultry: Chicken, duck, and turkey Seafood: Salmon, sardines, clams, mussels, and shrimp Full-fat dairy: Full-fat yogurt, cheese, and butter Eggs: Whole eggs and egg yolks In addition to animal-based foods, people on Carnivore Diets allow for seasonings like salt, pepper, herbs, and spices. A 2021 study that included data on the dietary intake of 2,029 people following Carnivore-style diets found that red meat products, like beef, lamb, and venison, were the most commonly consumed foods, followed by eggs and nonmilk dairy products. The study also found that over 50% of the participants drank coffee at least once per day.1 Foods To Avoid People following Carnivore Diets get most of their calories from animal-based foods. Although less restrictive versions of the carnivore diet exist, the following foods are usually restricted or completely avoided by those following this eating pattern: Fruit: Berries, apples, grapes, bananas, avocados, and peaches Vegetables: Potatoes, zucchini, broccoli, asparagus, and greens Grains and grain-based products: Bread, quinoa, rice, pasta, and noodles Nuts and seeds: Almonds, cashews, peanut butter, pumpkin seeds Beans: Black beans, chickpeas, kidney beans, and lentils Snack foods and sweets: Cookies, chips, ice cream, cakes, and candy Sugary beverages: Juice, soda, sweetened coffee drinks, and energy drinks Water is the preferred beverage when following a Carnivore Diet, though many people who follow this diet include tea and coffee in their daily routine. Additionally, some people allow for a small amount of low-carb vegetables, like greens and zucchini. What Are The Benefits? Currently, there’s limited research investigating the health benefits of following a Carnivore Diet. However, there’s plenty of evidence that very-low carb diets can benefit the health of some people, such as those with type 2 diabetes. Although there are no strict rules regarding the macronutrient ratio of the Carnivore Diet, it can generally be considered a type of high-protein, very low-carb diet. Studies show that certain very low-carb diets, like the keto diet, could be helpful for certain health conditions. But, keep in mind that very low-carb diets aren’t the same thing as the Carnivore Diet, and there’s currently limited evidence that the Carnivore Diet improves health in any way, specifically. That said, the Carnivore Diet may offer a few benefits.