Sound and Color Treatments

14 videos โ€ข 10,314 views โ€ข by Source Vibrations - Intentional Music Sound & Color Treatments Description: These sound and color treatments are made to assist you with your process of healing and inner alchemy. Each sound bed is tuned to correspond with the color tone seen on the screen. They can be used as supplemental tools to address physical, mental, emotional or spiritual ailments and to strengthen or balance the already vibrant energies within you. Sound and color therapy has been found to have subtle and powerful effects. Corresponding to the planetary tones as understood by the western esoteric traditions, these sessions can be used to activate the subtle energies of the interior stars. If you have any questions regarding particular usages, please leave them in the comments below. Directions for use Method 1. Simply look at the color on the screen and listen to the sounds. Breath naturally and evenly while you taken in the vibrations. Method 2. Once the color is firmly etched in your mind, close your eyes and envision the color surrounding and permeating your body, mind and thoughts. Practice sustaining your mental imagery for the duration of the session. Method 3. Play this session into your sacred space during study periods, mediation or ceremonial work related to the energy of this frequency.