My Favourites

21 videos β€’ 869 views β€’ by Space Before This is a playlist with the tracks I use the most, and when/why I use the tracks. 1 - Evening Visionary Expansion: Imagining/visualisation before Sleep. 2 - SUBCONSCIOUS MIND PROGRAMMING - Deep Sleep and Subconscious Programming. 3 - 10 Hz Alpha - Day time Meditation for reset. 4 - ENTER THE KINGDOM - Daytime meditation and visualisation. 5 - NEVILLE GODDARD IMAGINATION MEDITATION - Creative Imagining Before Sleep. 6 - THETA WAVES WITH GAMMA - Daytime Energy boosy. 7 - SUBCONSCIOUS PROGRAMMING - Deep sleep and evening imagining. 8 - QUANTUM PROCESSING frequency - Day time Cognitive Boost. 9 - THE QUANTUM HOLOGRPAHIC PRINCIPLE - Self Talk Reset. 10 - PURE 40 HZ GAMMA WAVES - Morning to Spark intuition, concentration and increased learning. 11- 9 Hz ALPHA - Relaxation and visualisation. 12 - 7.77 Hz PURE THETA - Deep meditative reset 13 - 396HZ SACRED HEALING TONE - Deep meditation and insight 14 - WONDERFUL THINGS ARE HAPPENING - Feeling your best for manifestation. 15 - THANK YOU - Ho'oponopono 16 - THETA WAVES 6-8Hz - Regenerative Meditation 17 - 40 Hz Gamma Iso - Concentration and insight 18 - HOLOGRAPHIC MIND - Time Travelling 19 - JOSEPH MURPHY WEALTH SUCCESS - Prosperity Consciousness 20 - WALTER RUSSEL CREED OF THE GREATS - Manifest your highest self.