Law Of Attraction Affirmations (Set your intention)

63 videos • 619,310 views • by Jason Stephenson - Sleep Meditation Music Use these powerful law of attraction affirmations by Jason Stephenson for life long, positive change in your life. Most of my affirmations (or incantations as they are sometimes called) begin with me speaking them twice, and space for you to speak them on your own. Here are the directions for how to use affirmations: 1. Listen to me speaking the first affirmation 2. I will repeat it again , and this is the chance for you to speak it along with me 3. Please say the affirmation again on your own (usually out loud and with emotion is best) Even if you don't intially believe the affirmation, speak it out regardless. Over time, it will become more and more a part of you... and you will begin to feel connected with it... and even attach an emotion to the affirmation. This is when they truly begin to work their power within you. You can also choose to write out your affirmations and put them up on the wall in front of you so you can see them each and every day. This is a really good plan. I have had certain affirmations up on my bathroom mirror now for well over a year - and they have now become a part of my life. Blessings to you and may my affirmations enrich your life in a positive way! Jason Stephenson