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in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

Success Secrets TV
Posted 3 years ago

I have this relative who used to HATE me referring to my business as A COMPANY

For example, if we had a conversation and I said something like;

"My company is looking into doing XYZ"

He would give me a strange look or change the topic immediately.

He is a lot older than me.

He knew when I walked around the street naked

He knew my poor parents

And he knew (or he believed) that I can NEVER build a company.

Especially because the entire thing I used to refer to as a COMPANY only had 2 employees.

His unspoken words to me were; "CALL IT A BUSINESS (maybe you should add small before the business).

Anyway, I continued referring to my enterprise as a COMPANY because that's what I was seeing in my mind.

I kept building, learning, and building while I kept him in the dark as per what I was doing

Then, one day he got to know that I was paying millions of Naira in monthly salaries.

He then got to know how many employees I have

Then, he one day saw our monthly revenue.


Then, he now wants me to talk more and more about my COMPANY.

He now believes that I have a COMPANY and he would like me to show him how he could have a company too.

Ok, what is the point of this story?

Well, the first time you share your dream with people, they would think you're out of your mind.

When you share it again, they might hate you (remember Joseph in the Bible?)

Then when they see you pursuing that dream and year after year your result is small, they'll secretly laugh at you.

At this period, they don't want to hear from you that that little seed would one day become a big tree.


Don't tell them that you'll become a millionaire.

Don't tell them that you'll be a famous writer

Don't tell them that you'll become a national expert because what they're seeing now is the little you and that's what
they believe you'll be FOREVER.

Now if tomorrow you succeed, then, they'll say;

"I've always known that you'll succeed"

Are you waiting for other people to believe in you before you start pursuing your dream?

You'll wait FOREVER.

Are you sad because someone thinks you can't amount to much in life?

Well, stop being sad.

Ignore your doubter.

Stop telling them about your moves

Work hard and learn hard, in secret

Then, one day they'll be shocked that you become who you said you'll become.

Steve Courage,

Lagos, Nigeria

669 - 81

Success Secrets TV
Posted 3 years ago

John is one of the best employees I've ever hired.

He is intelligent, smart and hardworking.

BUT, John is also an habitual liar.

This guy told lies about everything under the Sun and I would have fired him several times if not because he's truly useful for my business.

However over 3 years after I had employed him, John came to my office with a problem he had and he needed my help.

As he talked, my heart was convinced that he really needed my help.

BUT my brain interrupted my heart, "Why do you think that a man who had lied to you 100 times in the past is not lying right now?"

I looked straight to John and told him, "I'm sorry, I think you might be telling the truth right now but there's no way I can trust your words because you've lied to me too many times in the past"


This is why I'm telling you this story:

Your attitude in life determines your altitude.

Whether you have good attitudes or bad ones, you're simply doing yourself favour or harm.

Your kindness, honesty or love towards other humans aren't things you do for God but for yourself.

Your lies, cheat or evil aren't things you do to harm other humans.

It might take time but some forms of Karma is real.

Do good not for God, but for yourself.

Be honest, upright and straightforward, not for God, but for yourself.

Eventually, what goes around tend to come around.

I Love You All.

Steve Courage

Lagos, Nigeria.

486 - 22

Success Secrets TV
Posted 3 years ago

About 3 months ago, I entered the toilet of my home office and noticed that the liquid soap in the toilet had finished. Then, I took the container of that soap, went upstairs to our kitchen, and refilled the bottle from the bigger liquid soap.

Few weeks after this, however, I was in a supermarket with my wife when I saw the same brand of soap I had in my toilet.

Then somethings strangely funny occurred to me;

The reason why I wasted 3 minutes of my life to go and refill the soap in my office toilet (instead of buying another bottle of it) was that I wanted to save 10 NAIRA (3 US CENT) the manufacturer would charge me for the container.

How CRAZY is that?

Wasting 3 minutes so you could save 3 Cent?

But listen.

This is where I'm going with this story;

Money is 70% HABITS and habits don't leave people easily.

Whether you have the mindset of a spender, that of a saver, or of an investor, it's all habit and you'll probably die with it (regardless of how much money you have or lack).

You see, all the talk and all the books and courses about financial literacy won't help you in ANY way except you have the right money habits.

Some people are SPENDER. that's their habit. Whether these people have great income or none, they must spend EVERYTHING.

Some people are skeptical about new business ideas and always see why things would never work. Nothing in the world can change them.

SAVERS are savers, whether they have one dollar or one million dollars.

Investors are investors, whether they have five dollars or ten thousand dollars.

The amount of money you have isn't the reason why you don't save money. People who are savers save anyway, anyhow.

The amount of money you have isn't the reason why you don't invest.

Many millionaires still try to save $5 while poor guys waste whatever they have.

I know you're tired of my long post.

Here is the conclusion of the whole matter; MONEY IS HABIT.

If you need to change your financial situation, look at your money habits, FIRST

Steve Courage,

Lagos, Nigeria

My face and silly rants are here;

625 - 30

Success Secrets TV
Posted 3 years ago

About 2 months ago, I decided to read the autobiography of one of the founding fathers of my country (Sir, Ahamadu Bello).

Reading this book I came across the story of how he and his townsmen would spend about two weeks traveling a journey of 179 kilometers.

I paused and taught about that story.

It takes me about 4hrs to drive 179KM (even with some traffic congestion) but my forefathers had to walk TWO LONG WEEKS to get to the same destination.

Let me tell you another story.

I read this from Benjamin Franklin's biography

It happened in the 18th Century

Franklin had to SELL his clothes so he could buy books.

Read that again.

Franklin sold his very cloth, so he could buy books because books were too expensive.

Today I (or anyone) can buy books for pennies

We can look up information on Google

We can listen to quality Podcast

The number of information people like Benjamin Franklin struggled to acquire for one decade in the 18th century is what an average human has today in ten days, for free

Just ask Google.

Now, what is the point of this post?


When you understand that what you have is PRECIOUS, you'll be curious about maximizing it.

Let me give you some examples;

For me, having easy access to books and Google is a miracle (If I were born in the 14th century, I would probably never touch a book in my entire life), so I learn like crazy through books and Google.

For me, having Aircondition in my office is a miracle (the richest man in the world in the 17th century didn't even have a fan), so I have to work really hard

For me, being able to write this post on a Saturday morning and get thousands of people to read it from tens of countries is a MIRACLE (Napoleon Hill or Dale Carnegie could never reach people in 50 countries from their Home Office), so I write this post well.

You get my point.

When Eric Subrah saw the ability to work online as a miracle, he ran to build ZOOM

When Jeff Bezos saw the ability to sell online as a miracle, he resigned from his job to build AMAZON

When Elon Musk saw the possibility of getting humans to Mars as a Miracle, he's running after it.

People who don't appreciate life don't have a life.

People who always complain about what they lack always lack passion

People who don't see miracles don't perform miracles





Steve Courage,

Lagos, Nigeria

My face and silly rants are here;

885 - 71

Success Secrets TV
Posted 3 years ago

About 7 or 8 years ago, I started hearing a lot about Instagram.

"It's the new thing, the shiniest thing", I was told.

My response was, "And so what?"

About 5 or 6 years ago, I was told that Snapchat is now the new thing.

Last year, everyone was saying that TikTok is now the trendy thing

And today it's the ClubHouse.

Each time a new shiny thing is invented, the question I ask myself is, "How many things do people ACTUALLY need?"

The answer to that question is, TOO MUCH ALREADY.

Our horse carriages could only run 16-48 km/h in1889.

Today, some of our cars could run 300KM/hr and nobody needs that speed (if he loves to be alive).

The mobile phone an average person carries around today is more powerful than the computer NASA used to launch human on the moon in 1969.

None of us can even use half of the functionalities on our phones.

Yet, entrepreneurs know how to TRICK us to believe we need the new iPhones.

One social media is enough for any human to communicate with the people we love.

Yet, every year a new TikTok, Snapchat or ClubHouse is being built by entrepreneurs who make us feel what we need MORE.

Do we really need more?

Or we're just being USED?

My pains are for the victims of these tricks.

My pains are for the unaware people who don't know what is going on.

Now, let me tell you what is going on;

The smart guys are using your TIME and resources to make themselves rich.

If every year you feel the need to buy a new phone, you're a victim of smart marketing.

If every year you think you must change your car, you're being used.

If every time someone tells you about a new social media platform you feel that you have to join, you're duped already.


Guard your TIME and resources diligently

Don't allow smart guys to USE you

Stop feeling guilty for not having the new, shiny things.

Stop feeling you're missing anything because you're not on a particular social media

Stop feeling bad that you don't have what you don't even need.

Steve Courage,

Lagos, Nigeria

(My ugly face and personal channel is here; )

1.3K - 103

Success Secrets TV
Posted 3 years ago

I resumed to my (home) office this morning by 5;29AM. I sat down in front of my computer, looked at the scary empty page I had to fill with words and felt like I should do something else.

You know what I'm talking about.

Maybe I should watch a video on YouTube.

Maybe I should check some WhatsApp messages.

Maybe I should.... do something other than something as difficult as writing.

I stood up from my desk, walked around my office a few seconds (looking for a legitimate excuse not to do the difficult task of writing)

Then, a voice spoke to me (not a voice from God but from within me); "Hey, this is what you've chosen to do with your life. Why are you running away from the pains your journey brings?"

I sat down back and started writing.

Few minutes after I started writing, as always, I felt like I should never stand up from that desk again (It was sweet).

Now listen to this;

Regardless of what you choose to do with your life, there will be daily pains and temptation to avoid those pains.

Most people give in to the temptation and look for something EASY to do.

The problem with easy things is that everyone can do them.

As a matter of law, the market doesn't reward anything that everyone can do.

Don't do the easy things; do the needful.

Don't run away from pains.

Dare the real things, even if it's difficult.

That pain is your DESTINY

Michael Jackson wore socks all his public life because his feets had become deformed due to daily, painful dance practice.

But he accepted those daily pains as his destiny and that is why he became one of the most successful musicians in the world.

As a writer, empty MS word scares me like the devil.

Whenever I sit down at my desk, I'm scared that I'll have to fill those empty pages with (meaningful words) yet, I face those fear 5-6 days every week because I've accepted those daily pains as part of my destiny.

Identify the pains that your dream requires and embrace it as your destiny.

Go through those pains every day and that's why the world would recognize you soon.

I Love You.

Steve Courage,

Lagos, Nigeria.

(You can know more about me and see my personal channel here; )

613 - 39

Success Secrets TV
Posted 3 years ago

About two years ago, a 21-year-old guy (who met me online) visited my Lagos office with his business plan.

I took this paper from him and started going through his plans.

Then, I saw different cost analyses and then a figure.

You know what I'm talking about; the amount he thought he needed to start and make his business successful

I can't remember his exact figure now but I think it should be about two million naira ($5,000 if you're not in Nigeria).

Since this guy called me his mentor, I looked to his face and told him, "There's no way you'll start a business with this amount at 21!"

I announced to him that if he cannot start his first business with anything between $500 to $1,000 he couldn't be an entrepreneur

I told him that even if he sees someone to give him $10,000 he MUST not take it for his first business.

As you can guess, this young guy left my office and I never see him again.

You see, there's this one important thing most people don't know about entrepreneurship.

I'll tell you.



Pay attention;



Read that again; your first business WILL fail.

I can almost assure you that your first business or even the first three businesses WILL fail.

Before I tell you why your first business will almost certainly fail, let me tell you that the reason why you don't want to take a huge loan to start your first business is that; well, your first business will most likely FAIL.

Now, why do I claim that your first business will fail?


Nobody knows entrepreneurship until a few failures.

That's the truth.

Don't even argue with me.

I don't care if you've read 100 books about entrepreneurship (I had read more than that before I started out in 2008).

I don't care if Bill Gates is your mentor.

I don't care what your experience is.

You don't really know what entrepreneurship is until you failed a few times.

What this means is that you want to fail in such a way as to be able to stand again.

I failed for 8 years and stood again each time because the amount I failed with was small.

Now here is my message;

People who are waiting till they have a lot of money before they would start a business are waiting for the wrong thing.

Why waiting for what you don't need?

People who want to start their first business with $100,000 don't know what entrepreneurship is.

The best way to build a house is to start with a block.

The best time to plant a tree is when it's small

The only way to start life is with a little sperm.

Stop waiting

Stop expecting a perfect start.

My name is Steve COURAGE

Lagos, Nigeria

(Know more about me and see my personal channel here; )

772 - 76

Success Secrets TV
Posted 3 years ago

As a little child, my mother would always tell me, "Ti na o batan laso, eje ki tan lekana" (As long as you have breath, you must keep on fighting).

She used this proverb to encourage me whenever I fall sick (because I was born with Sickle Cell Disease).

Day after day, year after year, my mother would repeat the same proverb, "As long as you have breath, you must keep fighting.

Luckily for me when I became 17, I started to have better health and my mother never needed to tell me the above proverb again.

But this time around, I would continue telling myself.

Having suffered excruciating pains all my childhood, immediately I became healthy, I decided to do something with my life or DIE trying.

At 20, the way I looked at life was completely different from the way almost anyone else I knew saw life.

For me, fighting hard for whatever I want is natural so when I made the decision to defeat poverty, it wasn't a passive battle.

I always remember the proverb of my mother; As long as you have breath, you must keep on fighting

Today as I write these words, I'm sad.

I'm sad because I had a conversation in recent days with a friend who wants success but doesn't want to fight hard for it

Why are people this way?

Why do so many people think life should be easy for them?

Why do people expect success to come to them without any failures?

Why are most people in this generation not willing to make sacrifices for what they want?

Steve Courage

Lagos, Nigeria

( My personal channel is here; )

464 - 18

Success Secrets TV
Posted 3 years ago

About two weeks ago, I started reading a book titled The Fortunes of Africa.

This book is a 5,000-year history of my continent and after reading about 550 pages of the book, I started feeling uneasy.

But I had no word for my feeling until this morning.

This morning I needed to write a script for our new video project and as I was researching, I read about how Galileo Galilei was given house arrest for one decade.

His crime?

He claimed that The Earth revolves around the Sun.

Now I know the reason why I was feeling uncomfortable when I read the history of my ancestors.

The feeling is GUILT.

Reading about people who lived in this world 5,000, 3,000 or even 200 years ago makes me feel GUILTY

And it should make you feel the same way.

Think about this.

Our ancestors had NOTHING and we have everything.

Yet, we complain every day about everything

Aren't we bunch of idiots?

Think about this;

Just 400 years ago, if you make any claim that Pope thought was unbiblical (Example, Humans can fly), then, you could be arrested or even killed.

Today, you and I can make technically ANY claim.

Yet, we don't appreciate that freedom.

Just 300 years ago, most parts of the world were being ruled by tyrannical emperors.

You could be arrested, killed or enslaved for no reason.

Today, we can talk back or even create a meme about our presidents (except of course in North Korea)

Just 200 years ago, even the richest person in the world had NOTHING.

Yes, my used car is 10x more comfortable than his chariot or "car".

He didn't have a telephone and don't even talk about the internet or plane.

Today we have everything yet we're a depressed generation.

Why is that?

Some of us are not grateful (because they don't know history)

Some don't know how to use what we've got.

Some are plain idiots who think they deserve more.

We've got too much already.

Let's appreciate the labour of our ancestors who sacrificed their lives to give us this beautiful world we inherited.

Then, let's make use of what we've got.

The phones, the cars, the plane, the telecom technologies, the internet, and many more things our ancestors can't even dream exist in heaven.

These are precious gifts

Let's stop being stupid.

Let's be grateful and make use of what we've got

I'm Steve Courage

Lagos, Nigeria

(See my ugly face and subscribe to my personal channel here; )

1K - 92

Success Secrets TV
Posted 3 years ago

About two weeks ago, someone asked me, "Steve, how were you able to cope when you failed for several years in the business world?"

My answer to him was this;

I ALWAYS read the stories of the people who have done what I wanted to do.

You see, here is the big mistake most people are making;

They are not reading biographies of the people who have achieved what they want to achieve.

Let me tell you why this is very important.

Life is DIFFICULT (and extremely so)

I don't care what your dream is, if it's worthwhile, the very first thing that will happen is,

You'll make mistake.

Guess what will happens next?

Another mistake.

And next?

Yes, another mistake and some terrible failures.

Then, something in you will start telling you;

"Steve, are you crazy?"

"Won't you throw in the towel and try something else?"

"Can't you just go and get a job and live a normal life?"

For most people, that is the end of their dreams.

Now imagine that you've read the story of how Stephen Covey LOST money for 11 (long) years before he built a business that later worth $160 Million (Or so).

Imagine you've read the biography of Toyota and see how the company was a failure for 13 (LONG) years.

Imagine you've read the story of how Henry Ford failed several years before he discovered the secret raw material that changed his fortune forever?

Now, you see what I'm talking about.

If you don't read the biographies of other people who have achieved success, you will OVERrate what is happening to you.

You'll then give up.

I'm about to finish my third book this year. Two of them are biographies.

Read. Read.

Read a lot and read biographies.

I Love You and wish you a fruitful life

Steve Courage,

Lagos, Nigeria

(You can see my ugly face & personal channel here; )

789 - 44