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Welcome to Lights of Venus, dear soul... Let yourself be ent

Lights of Venus
3 months ago - 50 likes

May the renewing power of Easter bring infinite peace and deeper intuition to your spiritual journey...

Wishing you all a very happy Easter, dear friends!
Lights of Venus ✨😊✨

Lights of Venus
6 months ago - 82 likes

Wishing you a blessed Christmas and a beautiful New Year 2024, dear friends!
May your holidays be filled with love, joy and peace!

Thank you so much for your love and support this year. We look forward to seeing you in the next one.

Wishing you all the best,
Lights of Venus 😊🙏✨

Lights of Venus
10 months ago - 58 likes

Hello, dear friends!

Just letting you know we're making an attempt to change our weekly mini exercises into Youtube shorts.

We're hoping to make our mini exercises more appealing, immersive and accessible, so hopefully more people will join in and you - our existing community - will have easier time getting notifications about when these exercises are posted. Also the results will be shown at the end of each short straight away, so you don't have to wait all week to see how you did in your practice.

Hope you enjoy this new format and I hope to see you there.

Much Love to you all! Have a beautiful week! 😊🙏✨

Lights of Venus
10 months ago - 33 likes

Hello, everyone! Thanks so much for participating in our Monday energy reading exercise!

Take a look at the results and note down all information you got right in your reading. Do you recall what you did or didn't do in the moment of receiving the correct information? Were there any subtle changes or differences in your perception, awareness, concentration, spiritual alignment, etc.? Do your best to apply this newly gained wisdom/strategy in your next practice so you get more consistent accurate results in your future readings.

Have a beautiful weekend! Love and Light 😊🙏✨

Jorge Isaacs Ferrer

April 1, 1837 (Quibdo, Valle del Cauca, Colombia) – April 17, 1895 (Ibagué, Tolima, Colombia)

- born and raised into an immigrant family in Colombia
- his father was an English Jew originally from Jamaica who made fortune from gold mining and trade with the Caribbean
- his mother was a daughter of a Spanish Navy officer
- the family owned two haciendas near Cali, Colombia
- Jorge was first educated in Cali, then in Popayán and, finally, in Bogotá between 1848 and 1852
- he returned to Santiago de Cali in 1852 without finishing his baccalaureate studies
- in 1854 he fought for seven months in the Cauca Campaign against the dictatorship of General José María Melo
- in 1856 Jorge married Felisa González Umaña, who was fourteen years-old at the time and they went on to have many children - David Isaacs González, Clementina Isaacs González, Lisímaco Isaacs González, Daniel Isaacs González, Julia Isaacs González, María Isaacs González, and Jorge Isaacs González
- during the time of the civil wars his family went through a period of economic hardship - he tried unsuccessfully to become a merchant as his father
- he turned to literature and wrote his first poems between 1859 and 1860 - he also wrote several dramas of historical theme

- Jorge took arms again in 1860, this time against General Tomás Cipriano de Mosquera, and saw action in the Battle of Manizales during the Colombian Civil War
- in 1861 his father died
- when the war ended he returned to Cali to take over the administration of his father's businesses, but he found them deeply in debt - this forced him to auction off two of his father's haciendas
- Jorge moved back to Bogotá, where he found that his literary efforts were being well received
- his poems were published under the name "Poesías" in 1864
- that year he took a job as the supervisor of the construction of a horse-path between Buenaventura and Cali and started to write what came to be his best novel "María"
- around that time he also fell ill with malaria
- his novel "María" was published in 1867 and it became an immediate success both in Colombia and in other Latin American countries - he became a well-known personality in Colombia and his newly found fame allowed him to start a career as journalist and politician
- as a journalist he directed the newspaper "La República", of moderate conservative tendencies, in which he also published some articles
- as a politician he first joined the Conservative Party, but later switched to the Radical Party
- in 1870 he was sent to Chile as consul general
- when he returned to Colombia he was actively involved in the politics of Valle del Cauca
- in 1876 he fought in yet another civil war
- his political career ended in 1879 after an incident where he proclaimed himself political and military leader of Antioquia in response to a conservative revolt

- after his retirement from politics, Jorge published in 1881 the first canto of the poem Saulo, although he was never able to complete it
- he also explored the Magdalena Department, in the north of Colombia, where he found important coal and oil deposits
- Jorge spent the last years of his life in the city of Ibagué in Tolima where was planning to write a historical novel
- he passed away at the age of 58 from malaria

- occupation: writer, journalist, politician
- personality: intellectual, brave, feeler, passionate, analytical, ambitious, loyal
- interests: novels, poems, politics

If you'd like to find out more about him, check out this link:

Lights of Venus
10 months ago - 25 likes


Relax & tune into the man's energy. Gaze deeply into his eyes. Using your strongest psychic senses, try to uncover info about his life/death, occupation, personality, interests, etc... (Results - This Friday in a new post)

Here are some pointers on how to go about it:
- take 10 - 15 mins to sit down somewhere quiet
- relax deeply and quiet your mind
- begin to softly gaze at the image (ideally into his eyes) without thinking whatsoever
- pay attention to any subtle information that comes to your mind (any feelings, visions, spoken words, fragrance, taste or thoughts)
- while engaged in this connection, you can also ask this person directly to reveal particular information to you and again, allow space to receive information in your mind
- note down your findings and wait for Friday results (in a new post)
- compare what you got right in your reading and recall what was different about the way you received / perceived that particular information

If you're new to our channel, you may want to find out what your strongest psychic senses are first.
Check out our guided exercises here:

Have a wonderful week, dear souls! 😊🙏✨

Lights of Venus
11 months ago - 37 likes


Hello, dear souls! These are the results of our Monday intuition exercise.
The image I've chosen this week was => D.
Did you get it right? If yes, how did you receive it? Through inner vision, thought, sound, feeling, gut feeling, etc? Let me know in the comments.

Thank you very much for participating! Have a great weekend! 😊🙏✨

Lights of Venus
11 months ago - 47 likes


I've randomly chosen one of these images. Which one is it? (A, B, C or D)

Take time to tune in and allow psychic information to enter your mind. Pay attention to any subtle vision, sound, thought or feeling that you receive. The correct card might even seem like it stands out from the rest or you might pick up on my energy surrounding it.

I will post the results this Friday.

Take your time to do this exercise and try not to guess. Remember that the main reason for doing this practice is not necessarily to get it right, but to learn to connect with, recognise and to trust your abilities. Sending you all lots of love! Have a great week, everyone! 😊🙏✨

New to psychic abilities? Try our guided exercises:

Lights of Venus
11 months ago - 52 likes


Is the Richat Structure - located in the Sahara's Ardrar Plateau, Mauritania - the lost city of Atlantis as some researchers suggest? In deep meditation, astral travel to Northwest Africa and see if you can find the answer somewhere in its past.

NOTE: The best strategy here could be to set an intention to project there in the time of Atlantis (cca. 12 000 years ago). If no luck, it would be curious to find out whether there was a time when this place was flourishing. If you want to, you can then set an intention to project to a time that will reveal its true use and purpose.

Image source :,_…

New to astral projection and astral travel? We have a whole playlist that can get you started. Feel free to give it a try!

Lights of Venus
11 months ago - 40 likes

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." ~ M. Gandhi

#motivation #inspiration #love #kindness #forbetterworld

Lights of Venus
11 months ago - 29 likes


The oracle card you see on the picture is an angel message "Healing Nature" for the month of August 2023 drawn specifically for the viewers of our channel. Tune in and see if it has anything special to say to YOU personally... If it does, what do you sense? Any feelings/thoughts/visions/sounds coming through?

Have a lovely week, dear friends! Love and Light 😊🙏✨

New to psychic abilities? Check out this playlist to see which one you're drawn to work with!