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The Mindset Mentor Podcast
1 week ago - 18 likes

In this video I dive into my top three takeaways from James Clear's transformative book, "Atomic Habits." Whether you're looking to build new habits or break old ones, this book provides powerful strategies to help you achieve lasting change.

🔑 Key Takeaways:

Habit Stacking: Learn how to seamlessly integrate new habits into your daily routine.

Identity-Based Habits: Transform your self-image to support your goals and actions.

1% Improvements: Understand the compounding effect of small, daily changes.

Join me as I explore these concepts and share practical examples to help you implement them in your own life. If you haven't read "Atomic Habits" yet, I highly recommend it!

The Mindset Mentor Podcast
9 months ago - 16 likes

I'm thrilled to bring you this special bonus episode of The Mindset Mentor Podcast. Today, we're celebrating the launch of my brand-new book, "Level Up: How to Get Focused, Stop Procrastinating, and Upgrade Your Life."

It's been an incredible journey that spans 17 years of self-development, 37 years of life experience, three years of dedicated writing, and 16 rounds of meticulous editing. And the best part? It's now available worldwide as of October 3rd!

In this episode, we'll dive into the three main parts of the book:

1️⃣ Why so many of us struggle to take action and achieve our goals.
2️⃣ How to overcome these challenges and start taking consistent action.
3️⃣ The science-backed strategies for turning your actions into habits and creating lasting change.

I'll go deep on each of these parts, sharing invaluable insights and tips along the way. We'll also explore the crucial roles that fear, identity, and purpose play in our lives and how we can harness them to transform our futures.

Remember, this book isn't just another self-help title – it's your personal roadmap to creating the life you've always dreamed of. If you've found value in my podcast, I'd be incredibly grateful if you considered supporting me by picking up a copy of "Level Up."

To grab your copy and embark on your journey of personal growth and transformation, simply search for "Rob Dial Level Up book" wherever you usually purchase books online. Your support means the world to me and the show!

Don't miss this exciting bonus episode – it's filled with inspiration and actionable advice to help you level up your life. And, as always, I leave you with my signature message: Make it your mission to make someone else's day better. Enjoy the episode, and here's to an amazing day ahead!

The Mindset Mentor Podcast
9 months ago - 10 likes

Join me on this journey as we step into Sound Crafter Studios in Austin, Texas to record the audiobook for my upcoming book, "Level Up." Set to be released on October 3rd.

You'll get an exclusive look at what it's like to record an audiobook, from the long hours of narration to the unexpected challenges we faced during the process.

But that's not all! I've got a special treat for you. My best friend and business partner of 16 years, Dean DeVries, joins me in the studio. Together, we dive deep into the book, sharing stories, insights, and strategies after each chapter. It's a unique opportunity to gain even more value from "Level Up."

Level Up is now available for pre-order. It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.

📚 If you want to pre order yours today, you can just head over to

Hit that play button and join us on this day in the life. Thanks for being a part of this journey, and don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more behind-the-scenes content.

#ADayinMyLife #AudiobookRecording #LevelUpBook

The Mindset Mentor Podcast
9 months ago - 4 likes

If you’re like me and you have an analytical mind, then the act of positive affirmations can sound so corny but the reality is… There is science-based evidence that can explain how these actually work. And that’s what I’m going to explain to you today!

Before I teach you the HOW, I think you need to understand the WHY first.

Your brain is a sponge and soaks up beliefs, and over your lifetime, those beliefs fill your mind and become a major part of your identity. What’s cool about this?... You can actually change those identifying beliefs if you’re willing to incorporate new affirmations into your life.

There have been actual brain imaging studies that prove that when an individual visualizes themselves achieving a particular goal, along with positively affirming that to be the reality… Your brain lights up as you’re thinking, and saying those things as if you are actually experiencing that thing. The more you do this, the better.

The way you actually can create change in your life, is to bring what you want to your mind more and more until you start to actually believe it.

People who actually self affirm calmness and peace in themselves, their brains will actually produce lower cortisol levels.

So what does all this mean? This PROVES that you can help control your emotions, and stress levels.

The Mindset Mentor Podcast
11 months ago - 4 likes

I get a lot of people approaching me and asking the same question around this… I find a lot of people when they first get into personal development and start working on themselves and experiencing transformation… a lot of people end up stressed out because they are trying to get others around them to want the same growth but more often than not it only ends up creating conflict in their relationships.

If you have experienced this in your own life, I need you to first ask yourself this question, “Are you trying to get someone to change who they are, or are you allowing them the space to grow into who they are meant to be?”

The first 4 years of my wife and I dating, she wasn’t into personal development at all. I bought her books, I tried getting her to go to conferences, but it just wasn’t her thing. And then one day she just caught on and decided to taste what the pursuit of personal development was like.

What happened is when I stopped trying to force her to change into the person I wanted her to be, I focused on being the lighthouse instead.

Your job for those around you is to nurture others and allow them to become who they want to become.

Now turn the tables… ask yourself this: “How are the people around you nurturing an environment for you to grow in?”

If a flower doesn’t grow, you don’t change the flower. You change the environment. If you’ve been stuck for a while, maybe you should reassess your environment and determine if it’s actually conducive for you to grow in.

The Mindset Mentor Podcast
11 months ago - 4 likes

Habits help reduce the cognitive load of everyday tasks, which allows us to focus on the things we really need to put our efforts and our mind to. In this episode we’ll talk about both good, and bad habits, and how they affect our lives.

As you go through this episode, you’re encouraged to think about both the habits that you want to have, and the habits that you have but need to break.

The science behind habits says there are 3 habits behind how habit formation actually works:

1. Cue - This is the trigger that initiates the habit. These can be either external, or internal. Such as the time of day, an alarm on your phone, your environment, etc. Internal triggers could be your emotional reactions to certain situations, or behaviors of others.

2. Routine - The routine is the actual habit itself. Ie: Caffeine with watching the sunrise, or a cigarette when you’re driving…

3. Reward - Every habit has some type of “reward” to it. Even the bad habits that you don’t want have a “reward” attached to it. Ie If your habit is to overeat, the “reward” is that your body will calm down your brain because it has to reserve it’s energy to try and digest the food.

Coaching thousands of people over the past 17 years, I’ve realized that people have a tendency to try and overhaul their entire life when they’re thinking of building habits. This is the quickest way to shoot yourself in the foot, so what I suggest is break down your habits into smaller and super specific habits. The lower the barrier to entry, the more likely you’ll be to do that habit.

The Mindset Mentor Podcast
1 year ago - 8 likes

I'm super excited to share with you my top three business book recommendations for 2023. As some of you may know, I'm not just a YouTuber, but also a business owner with a kick-ass team of over 35 employees and millions in sales. Plus, my podcast, "The Mindset Mentor," is rocking the charts!

These three books are the real deal. They're simple, easy to understand, and packed with the mindset and frameworks you need to rock your business. Trust me, I've read hundreds of books, and these are my absolute favorites!

I want to hear from you too! Share your favorite business book in the comments below. Let's keep the book recommendations flowing, and who knows, maybe your suggestion will make it to my reading list.

The Mindset Mentor Podcast
1 year ago - 20 likes

This is how the Law Of Attraction really works!

The Mindset Mentor Podcast
1 year ago - 27 likes

Here are five hobbies that can change your life. Now, before we dive in, I want to make it clear that there's nothing inherently wrong with your life as it is. However, there's always room for growth and expansion, and these hobbies can help you do just that.

The first hobby is one that can make you money. There are countless ways to make a living doing what you love, and I'll give you some examples to get your creative juices flowing. The second hobby is one that challenges you physically. It's important to move your body and push your limits. The third hobby is one that challenges you mentally. This can be anything from learning a new language to solving puzzles. The fourth hobby is one that nurtures your creative side. We all have a creative spark within us, and it's essential to let it shine. And finally, the fifth hobby is one that connects you with others. We're social creatures, and having meaningful relationships is crucial to our well-being.

So grab a pen and paper, and let's get started!

Want to master your mindset? Every Monday I send out an email with mindset tips for the week, click here to receive that email:

The Mindset Mentor Podcast
1 year ago - 8 likes

Today is a special day because I'm joined by my good friend ‪@lewishowes‬, who has just released an incredible new book called "The Greatness Mindset." In this episode, we dive deep into why this book is so important to him and how it can help anyone who's struggling with self-doubt, overwhelm, anxiety, or depression. We also discuss the three fears that cause us to doubt ourselves, and how to overcome them so you can create from a place of flow and manifest any idea you want into the world. So if you're ready to learn how to cultivate a mindset of greatness, then tune in to this episode of the Mindset Mentor Podcast!

Lewis Howes, New York Times best-selling author, keynote speaker, industry-leading show host, and former pro-athlete, is this week's guest on the show! Lewis' new book, The Greatness Mindset is now available for purchase at and wherever books are sold. Follow Lewis on Instagram and subscribe to his podcasts "The School of Greatness" and "The Daily Motivation Show"

Podcast links:
The School of Greatness -
The Daily Motivation -

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I'll see you on the next episode of the Mindset Mentor Podcast.

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