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Mindful Waves Studio
9 months ago - 25 likes

‪@AlphaAffirmations‬ posted a new hypnosis meditation of mine on his channel.

Check it out here:

A new set of affirmations from him just dropped on the Mindful Waves Studio channel here:

This voice collab might break the internet.

Be sure to subscribe to ‪@AlphaAffirmations‬' content. His voice is powerful and his content is top-notch.

Mindful Waves Studio
2 years ago - 93 likes

Yo. We're looking to find, onboard, and nurture a CREATIVE DIRECTOR at Mindful Waves Studio next year.

This eligible human being would be in charge of helping us actualize the brand of Mindful Waves Studio (animations, video editing, audio, music curation, the visual brand, thumbnails, social media posts, web design, art, NFTs, OMG).

We haven't worked out all the details yet but I figured I'd start my search for our special someone within our community of subscribers.

Looking for someone whose entire purpose on earth is to design beautiful things; this isn't a mentorship where I train you to be a meditation guru or how to make coffee the way I like it...

Stay tuned. For now, let me know in the comments if you're an artist, designer, editor, etc.

This could be a really cool opportunity for the right person so please don't doubt yourself here.

You are (probably) qualified to raise your hand and say "I'd like to try!"


Mindful Waves Studio
2 years ago - 98 likes

Still awake?

I just launched a brand new sleep hypnosis.

>>> 8 Hour Sleep Hypnosis: Immune System, Health, & Wellness <<<

Check it out!

(Go to Videos or type this in: )

Sleep well,


Mindful Waves Studio
3 years ago - 16 likes

What's the most influential compliment someone ever gave you?

(Answer in the comments and I'll share mine in another post or replies.)

Mindful Waves Studio
3 years ago - 32 likes

8 hours. Exam confidence. My voice. Your success.


It's live here:

(In case you can't read my story about the villa and just want my damn video already!)

Love you.

Mindful Waves Studio
3 years ago - 88 likes


Lemme explain.

The picture was taken from a luxury villa in a place called Surin Beach (Phuket, Thailand).

Now, I didn't take this picture but I stood in this same villa not too long ago.

I drive by this villa about once a week and see sunsets like this several times a week.

Honestly, the sunsets leave a deeper impression.

How did I end up in this ridiculous villa?

It's pretty simple.

I met a girl at a party a while back. We hit it off. She invited me back to "her place" to hang out with her and her friends.

I didn't expect "her place" would be a mansion overlooking the sea.

Whenever crazy things like this happen, I always remember one thing:

There are no accidents. There is no coincidence. Luck doesn't happen.

You make the luck.

On some level, I'm confident that these kinds of movie moments where I end up in some ridiculous mansion watching a crazy sunset with a new friend will happen to me.

It's all about belief. It's all about expectation.

I haven't quite figured out how to translate this into every aspect of my life...but I'm working on it.

Passing exams and tests has a lot to do with expectations.

Why? Because it's such a performance-based thing.

How you expect you'll do is typically how you'll do.

I don't mean the three affirmations you nervously tell yourself as you sit down to take the exam in a puddle of sweat.


How do you do that?

The best way is...

Affirmations + Theta Wave Frequency

Check out this video for more information:

P.S. My favorite thing about you is that you share your goals in the Exam Prep video comments. Do that. Do more of that. Do more of that in this new video. Please. Thanks.

P.P.S. Join my e m a i l list so you get first notice of these new videos. Don't want you to miss out.

Go to w w w . m i n d f u l w a v e s s t u d i o . c o m to join me.

Mindful Waves Studio
3 years ago - 62 likes

Here's a message I got last night:

"Failed my assignment 4 x! Listened to this meditation twice and passed!! Thank you, thank you, thank you! 😁"

I love helping people with test and exam stuff.

I sucked in school. I nearly dropped out of university. I barely graduated in the end.

But I've learned a lot about how to do well on tests and in competitions since then.

When you have performance anxiety, you either give up...or figure out a way to perform under pressure.

I love the ambitious comments everyone leaves on the exam videos.

I love the comments from people who follow up about their success even more.

Don't forget to follow up if you've ever posted your goals on one of my videos.

Got a surprise coming in an hour or so.

<3 Alex

Mindful Waves Studio
3 years ago - 38 likes

It's LIVE.

I enjoyed this one because of my experience a couple years ago.

I was so fed up with how people were treating me.

In business. In relationships. In my family. In my day-to-day life.

Why was a weak-minded pushover who broke his own personal truth and integrity at even the slightest of disagreements or strife?

In a fury, I wrote down 40 boundaries I vowed to keep in place.

I swore I'd never let anyone break those boundaries.

"No one will ever keep me waiting somewhere for more than ten minutes."
"Anyone who wants to disagree with me needs to show some respect."
"I will not be cursed at."

These were some of my silly rules.

"I'll show them!" I exclaimed.

It was ruthless work. It made me cry multiple times. It took me weeks.

I honestly wouldn't recommend it.

In the end, I didn't "show them".

I just stressed myself out and I focused way too much on the external world.

There's an easy way.

Most of the respect you'll ever receive comes directly from having SELF-respect.

The meditation I just launched teaches you how to nurture your personal boundaries from within.

It comes from a much different place than my silly exercise.

Good luck.

As usual, LIKE the meditation if you liked the meditation.

P.S. Make sure you turn on notifications so you actually see my videos when I launch them.

Mindful Waves Studio
3 years ago - 66 likes

Some people simply do not like me.

Here are some (real) mean comments people leave on my videos:

~"Awful forced voice"

~"Better you don't talking"

~"Too loud"

~"He made his voice like an evil hypnotizer trying to enter your subconscious! Hell no.."

~"This is one of the dumbest affirmations ever!"

~"The voice though...I couldn't relax to it"

When I have one of those days where you question your entire life's purpose, I go read nice comments.

Your personal comments help me stay focused.

They are particularly powerful because I'm very proactive about what I let inside and what I defiantly refuse entry inside my mind and soul.

How do I do that? I'll tell you in a second...

I just want to clarify something first.

I really appreciate mean comments.

Some of them are just incredibly random and weird. Sometimes YouTube asks me if I want to allow such a random comment on one of my videos.

I click "approve" most of the time because I enjoy the absurdity.

Any legitimate hate on my fellow humans gets deleted, however.

I can handle the hate and vitriol but I don't want you to be subjected to that.

Not yet, at least. Until you do this one thing, you may not be able to handle it. Again, I'll tell you in a second.

The rest of the mean comments are valuable.

I really take some mean comments inside my mind. I evaluate them. I think them over. Then, I choose whether to disregard it or keep it and do something about it.

Here are two complaints I get a lot:

>>> #1: "Your voice sucks because of vocal fry"

>>> #2: "This video/content/speech is cringey"

Pretty mean, right?

Maybe. Maybe not.

They are valuable because of how I can improve.

>>> First complaint:

I've now learned to speak in a soft, soothing, dominant, masculine manner without vocal fry.

>>> Second complaint:

Well, I believe 80% of "cringe" comes from your own personal hang-ups and insecurities (which I will discuss some other time if someone asks me nicely).

The other 20% of "cringe" happens when something is genuinely weird. Some of what I create must seem genuinely weird to some. I get it. When enough people say something is cringe without any positive support to balance the scales, it's probably weird and needs to be improved.

So, thank you.

(Though if you're reading this, you're probably already subbed and don't leave mean comments.)

I'm human though.

Some things get under my skin.

A LOT of things used to get under my skin before.

But I worked on myself.

Especially my Personal Boundaries.

I decided I'd learn to choose what I let in and what I kept out.

A lot of mean comments, hate, negativity, I actively keep it out.

There's no room in me left for that nonsense.

Some negativity though, I will choose to let inside for a moment to analyze and decide if I can use it for good.

Of course, positive stuff gets inside and I will often think it over and let it permeate my whole being.

Most of you are letting way too much of the bad stuff in...

Even worse, you're not letting the good stuff in.

We are mirrors of the outside world in many ways.

If you act somewhat confident and the world reflects your own modicum of confidence back, you may let it inside and allow your identity to see the truth.

"Hey, I'm pretty!"

The cycle creates empowerment on autopilot.

But what happens when you don't let the positive reflection in?

No growth. No confidence. No positive identity rewiring.

It's all about Personal Boundaries.

If you're like me, yours probably aren't perfectly healthy.

What can you do about it?

<| I'm releasing a Personal Boundaries meditation in a few hours |>

It's designed to help you visualize, design, and nurture your personal boundaries.

The video will be a single sleep cycle.

It's designed so that you can do one of two things:


Listen to it any time of the day when you have 90 minutes to spare. Relax deeply into a "theta" state with my help. Wake up and go about your day when it's over.


Listen to it to begin your sleep. When the 90 minutes is over, you may stay asleep.

!!! This is important to note: we have TURNED OFF advertisements after videos like these so you may stay resting. !!!

This means we make less money. However, we are playing the long game while everyone is playing the short game.

Honestly, it's one of the things I'm most proud of doing. We chose quality for you OVER money for us.

I will rant about 90% of YouTubers another time. In short: f#(k 'em.

(If you find a video with an advertisement in the middle or a sleep video with the advertisement at the end, leave a comment and we'll fix it.)

Anyway, it's important to complete the meditation in its entirety, whichever option you choose.

If you think I'm a decent man for sacrificing my YT muneyzzz for your own personal enjoyment, do me a favor...

SMOOOOSH that like button and SHARE the video with your friends, lovers, family, and haters.

Love you.


P.S. I noticed I hit 30,000 subs yesterday. Pretty cool.

Then, why do I only get 300 views when I launch a new video?

TURN ON THAT NOTIFICATION BELL, as all the YouTubers are screaming.

Seriously, it helps.

I still love you if you don't.

Mindful Waves Studio
3 years ago - 45 likes

Dropping another Exam Prep focused meditation within a few hours.

Are exams still going on before summer?

I hope I wasn't too late on this one.

The meditation will be our first official "Sleep Cycle Meditation." Can't wait to share it.