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Adam Erhart @[email protected]

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Adam Erhart
1 month ago - 49 likes

LIVE Webinar happening this Friday, June 7th at 11am EST on "How To Start & Scale Your Agency To $10k, $20k (...Even $50k Per Month)" Here's the link to save your seat ->

Adam Erhart
1 month ago - 68 likes

Here are 5 surprising lessons that made my marketing agency millions...

I was getting my haircut earlier today and the conversation naturally led to "so, what do you do for work?"
A great question, and seeing as I love marketing and talking about marketing (I've gotten better over the years of not oversharing and fire-hosing people with marketing nerd talk but it's still tough for me lol)

But it was during our conversation that I was reminded that I've been building marketing agencies for well over 10+ years now.

And on the drive home I kept thinking what were the lessons, the tips, the strategies, and the secrets that I've learned over these years so that I could pass them on to you.

So here are 5 surprising lessons that made my marketing agency millions and millions. I hope they do the same for you.

Lesson #1) I added an application form to my client acquisition process. This not only allowed me to collect important data on my potential new client but more importantly... it REFRAMED our relationship right from the start positioning me as an expert who (appeared at least on the outside) not to be willing to work with just anyone.

Lesson #2) The best offers to make to cold prospects (i.e. people who have no idea who you are or how you can help them) are both FREE and TANGIBLE. What this means is that there is zero cost to the prospect, and what you're offering has real world value (examples include a free backlink, free SEO optimized blog post, 20 leads, etc).

Lesson #3) Cold outreach scales linearly. What this means is that unlike other client acquisition methods like paid ads which has a diminishing return over time - cold outreach (i.e. email, calls, DM's) have an equal input to output ratio. This means if you send 1000 emails and get 5 clients then the easiest thing in the world to do is send 2000 the next time in order to get 10 clients. Where you are right now is a direct result of all of your actions, attitudes, and beliefs leading up to this point.

Lesson #4) To make millions, you have to become the kind of person capable of making millions. This means changing. And most people don't like change. But it's a good change I promise you.

Lesson #5) The greatest cost in the world is "Opportunity Cost" which is the loss of potential gain from choosing the wrong thing. For example, if you can build a $10K per month agency then every month you put it off is costing you $10K in lost earning potential. Wait a year? That's $120K you'll never get back (even more if you consider the compounding effect of money and even more if you consider the exponential growth curve of entrepreneurship). If you want something, take action NOW.

Talk soon,


PS - If you're curious about how we help agency owners grow, get clients, and build 6 and 7-figure agencies you can learn more by clicking the link below. There’s no email opt-in, no webinar, and no nonsense. Check it out here: ​

Adam Erhart
1 month ago - 61 likes

If your life looks like this... you're doing it wrong.




We might be able to help ->

Adam Erhart
1 month ago - 75 likes

Here are 3 important money lessons I CAN'T teach you...

I thought when we got back from our 2-month trip around Europe back in March that I was gonna be done travelling for awhile.

(After all, packing up 4 kids, flying half way around the world, and living out of hotel rooms for months on end is both exciting and exhausting).

...but something bit me a couple weeks ago and I felt like I needed to get out of town again.

Partly to create a little mental space to do some deep strategic thinking (...lotta stuff going on upstairs right now!)

Partly to spend more time with my kids (...there was something about taking 2-months off that brought us closer together)

And partly because there were fighter jets practicing for an air show directly over my office lol. Yikes!

So we packed up the mini-van, and drove halfway across Canada to the city I grew up in, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

And during the trip I had a couple realizations, spawned from conversations with my kids about life, business, and success. Realizations that I want to share with you here in the hopes that they help you.

But here's the thing about these little lessons. I can tell you what they are but until you've experienced them for yourself you can't truly appreciate just how powerful and true they really are.

Take for example Lesson Number 1...

Number 1: Money actually DOES buy happiness.

Or more accurately, it buys you freedom from pain. And there are very few problems that money can't solve.

This is why it's my strong belief that you should focus on making as much money as you possibly can. And the earlier you start the better.

Number 2: More money does not equal more happiness

There is a point of diminishing returns where having more money won't make you more happy (as all of the problems that money can solve have already been solved).

In my experience, this number is closer to $20K per month than it is to the often-cited number of $75K per year.

Number 3: The way to make more money is to deliver more value.

And you deliver value by removing pain from other people's lives.

The more value you deliver (i.e. the more pain you remove) the more money you will make.

[BONUS] Number 4: The most important things in life are things that money CAN'T buy...

BUT... money can facilitate the acquisition and enjoyment of those things.

Case in point, one of the highlights of the trip was taking a walk in a park that I grew up next to with my kids. Showing them where Dad was from. Retracing childhood steps and seeing things again from their eyes.

Cost? free.

...but not really.

Because while the actual walking in the park was free, it was money that enabled me to take that time off, take another epic trip with my family, and be fully present to that moment in time.

Without money, I'd have been working, stressed out, and unable to take that time off (much less enjoy the moment as it was happening).

Anyway, today's call to action is this. In my biased, but honest and accurate opinion starting and growing a marketing agency is one of, if not the greatest wealth creation opportunities of our time.

It's what enabled me to take trips like this, put millions in the bank, and live a life completely on my terms.

So if you're curious about how we help agency owners grow, get clients, and build 6 and 7-figures agencies you can learn more by clicking the link below. There’s no email opt-in, no webinar, and no nonsense. Check it out here:

Talk soon,


PS - Here's a sunrise picture I snapped at 5:00am looking out over the prairies in what can only be described as the middle of nowhere.

Adam Erhart
1 month ago - 34 likes

Just dropped another new video on the Agency YouTube channel with instructions on how to become an insanely productive agency owner and get 10X more done in half the time.

You can check it out on the channel here (then click the videos tab and it should be the first one there):

Adam Erhart
2 months ago - 24 likes

Super random question I'd love to get your advice on. I'm thinking of starting a new daily blog about life, living, the human experience. That kinda thing. And I'm stuck between 2 different names for it. Would super appreciate knowing which do you prefer? Which makes you want to read it more?

Adam Erhart
2 months ago - 23 likes

Hey my friend! Just working on a new video and would love to hear which one sounds more appealing to you?

Adam Erhart
2 months ago - 41 likes

If you've got an agency and you'd love to make a little (or a lot) more money then I've got something for you that I think you're really gonna like ->…

First off, it's free. As in $0 dollars.

Next, it comes with content and a community so you can go as deep as you'd like.

Third, there are some nifty little freebies in there like templates, scripts, free trials, all kinds of fun stuff.

And finally, it's free.

...yes I know I said that already but there's really nothing to lose here and a whole lot to gain so make sure to grab your access now while it's still available.



PS - Drop me your favorite emoji in the comments... I'll go first.

Adam Erhart
2 months ago - 69 likes

Hey my friend, if you missed the webinar the other day then you be happy to hear that this training has just gone live here:

It's called...

How To Quickly Scale Your Agency To $10K, $20K, Even $50K/Month...Without Cold Calling, Networking, or Paid Ads!

...and inside this FREE 45-minute training you're going to discover:

> How Anyone Can Start An Acquisition Agency And Why This Is The BEST Business Model For 2024

> How To Get 5-10 High-Paying Clients Every Month (...Without Having To Do Any Cold Calling or Paid Ads)

> How To Get Profitable Results For Your Clients Quickly So They Stick Around Forever…(Without ANY Prior Marketing Experience)

> Discover step-by-step EXACTLY how to build, launch, and scale an agency to 6 or 7-figures… FAST!

Check it out here while it's still up:

Adam Erhart
3 months ago - 41 likes

CURRENT AND ASPIRING AGENCY OWNERS: Want To Learn How To Quickly Scale Your Agency To $10k, $20k, Or Even $50k/month... For FREE?

Join us for this FREE live event where we will show you step-by-step how to build, launch, and scale an agency to 6 or 7-figures… FAST!

Here's the link to save your spot: