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Iron Cthulhu Apocalypse @[email protected]

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Where to get my music: Bandcamp: ironcthulhuapocalypse.bandc

Iron Cthulhu Apocalypse
1 day ago - 27 likes

New Psychic Pollution:

Iron Cthulhu Apocalypse
1 month ago - 87 likes

What will you prefer:

Iron Cthulhu Apocalypse
1 month ago - 39 likes

The Auroral Tomb Tapes:

Iron Cthulhu Apocalypse
4 months ago - 30 likes

Watch this quick doc: It's very well done. I'm looking forward to more from this channel.

Iron Cthulhu Apocalypse
5 months ago - 49 likes

The Iron Cthulhu 2 Channel has been launched:

Iron Cthulhu Apocalypse
6 months ago - 90 likes

Tunecore, my aggregator, isn't letting me upload 100 song albums anymore. So to get my stuff on streaming services in a way that doesn't bug me out, I need to chop up existing albums. Problem is, I want my Bandcamp (BC) discography to be reflected in the streaming discography. Doing that means changing BC up significantly.

So here's my options:

1. Chop up the Bandcamp albums into smaller bits
2. Have different albums on streaming platforms with the same music

Unfortunately the streaming albums are never going to be as cost effective as BC albums now, because of this. But it's whatever. I assume the BC listeners are different than the Streaming listeners so maybe its not an issue? Anyway, help me out. Thanks.

Iron Cthulhu Apocalypse
6 months ago - 99 likes

How many uploads is too many?

Iron Cthulhu Apocalypse
7 months ago - 333 likes

Bad news: Mark Samuels, age 56, has died. For those who don't know, he was an absolutely excellent writer of weird horror and associated genres. You can find some narrations of his work on Youtube pretty easily. If you're a fan of Ligotti or Lovecraft, you'll love Samuels's stuff, too. Recently I was starting to re-read his work. My first comment on the community posts, in fact, was me saying to read Mark Samuels. He's one of the few writers I'd recommend without hesitation, as he tended to write more accessible stuff without sacrificing truly weird and dark aesthetics. Definitely one of the all-time greats. I'm hoping some kind of "Complete Works" is published soon, including some of his earliest, hard-to-find stuff. Anyway, RIP. Check him out if you haven't already.

Iron Cthulhu Apocalypse
7 months ago - 80 likes

There are channel memberships now. I think you get a few special Emojis with it. I may think of extra perks down the road. Mainly just there for people who want to send me a little extra, though.

Iron Cthulhu Apocalypse
8 months ago - 103 likes

People have asked how many gigs of material is on my ICA bandcamp. I just dl'd it all and it's 70.4 gb in zipped .flacs. That'll change when I relocate a few albums but there it is.