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oliSUNvia @[email protected]

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a mix of: philosophy, social science research, media & gen z

3 months ago - 2.3K likes

next video topicā€¦.. you decide

4 months ago - 7.5K likes

after a little break, i shall return to youtube this month!! discussing a problem iā€™ve been dealing with!!! i donā€™t know if iā€™m real!!!!

6 months ago - 9.2K likes

wouldnā€™t it be funny if someone unsubscribed right now

thank you thank you thank you <3 honestly iā€™ve gotten quite numb to numbers, but if i really think about how big 1 million isā€¦. thatā€™s a lot of people! iā€™m beyond grateful to have received all this support but there are so many people out there doing more important work than me. think about giving love and attention to those who are on the ground, risking social backlash and their livelihood for a better world. also, give some care to the important people in your own life!

iā€™ll do a short livestream tomorrow (technically tonight) December 15 at 8pm EST! iā€™ll make a proper one million subs special video once iā€™m back from a trip in januaryā€¦. stay tuned

8 months ago - 8.6K likes

my next few videos are probably going to be shorter than usual because applying for law school, graduate school, and being a teaching assistant has really made me feel like iā€™m sinking under responsibilities lolā€¦. i apologize if iā€™ve been quiet online and if my future videos are less organized. hope all is well with you <3

9 months ago - 890 likes

you know that MBTI guy on youtube? the one you go to for ā€œliterally meā€ moments? heā€™s trying out other INFJ-friendly projects - like this podcast episode with moišŸ¤“

unfortunately, i still havenā€™t figured out how to not feel awkward in interviews, so please excuse any uncomfortable stares at the camera

9 months ago - 753 likes

you loved our first podcast together? oh wait, you hated it? awkwardā€¦ well, the second one is out #onemustimaginesisyphus55

tbh, we got off topic quite often but hope you still enjoy!

10 months ago - 1.6K likes

which famous MORAL DILEMMA should i mention in my next video?

i will be mentioning other less popular thought experiments as well, but since there are some well-known ones, i'll let you all pick one from these four.

THE TROLLEY PROBLEM: There are two train tracks. Five people are tied to one track and one person is tied to the other track. Currently, a train is on the track with five people and it will kill all five people. You can pull a lever that switches the tracks so that the train will kill the one person instead. Do you pull the lever?

THE ORGAN DONOR: You are a doctor with five patients who each desperately need a different organ to survive. There is a sixth patient with healthy functioning organs. Do you kill the sixth patient to save the five?

THE OVERCROWDED LIFE BOAT: You are on a sinking lifeboat with your child. The lifeboat can stay afloat if there is only one person on it. Do you push your child off and let them drown?

THE BABY PROBLEM: There is a murderer on the loose who will kill your whole family. You and your family are hiding in an underground cellar but you can't control when your baby makes a sound. If your baby coughs or cries, the murderer will find all of you. Do you kill your baby?

11 months ago - 794 likes

i blabber in this video (psttt paramore and adulthood is hard)

11 months ago - 1.1K likes

this is a great vid to watch after my recent one! at least watch the intro if the lack of simultaneous subway surfers gameplay stresses you out

1 year ago - 6.5K likes

editing while travelling is hardā€¦. this video is gonna take me longer to finish then usual. but expect lots of talk about the philosopher Emmanuel Levinas! hopefully this appeals to people who requested more videos on philosophy theory <3