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Garrett Watts @[email protected]

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My name is Garrett Watts & I just wanna make cool things for

Garrett Watts
1 week ago - 10K likes

Yall thank you so much for watching and talking to me in the comments on the new video! Never in a million years did I imagine that THAT is how that particular haunted location would go 🙃 (if you’ve seen the new video ykwim) but here we are… also, while I’m yapping; NEW MERCH DROP! 3 items. All items inspired by our favorite little sentient otherworldly critter that masquerades in the husk of a baby doll; BENJAMIN. That’s right. If you’re feeling a bit masochistic, grab an item so he can be with you always! It’s a limited drop so get ‘em’ while ya can if you wanna! ThingsByGarrett.Com 💕

Garrett Watts
2 months ago - 9.3K likes

NEW VIDEO IS LIVE! And it’s terrifying. Well actually it’s been live since this morning BUT I wanted to wait until the sun went down to post here on my community, because night is the best time to watch this video. And I gotta admit, as I am typing this right now I am realizing that this makes absolutely completely not even a little bit of sense what I am saying right now because of how… *checks notes* …the Sun and Time Zones work. But anyways. Now you know.

YALL… this video has had me tripped up for weeks. The things that happen in this house are far beyond explanation. Particularly the “IN MY TOWN” moment. If you’ve seen it, you know what I mean. If you haven’t, ENJOY! And if you are feeling brave, try watching it in headphones. The things you hear in headphones are mind numbingly eerie.

Honestly, even if you have already seen this and plan on watching it again, try it in headphones for the second watch back. I guarantee it will feel like watching an entirely new video because the things you hear in there (in the house) are WILD. I know cause I spent like 100+ hours in headphones, while editing the haunted portion of this video to catch all the paranormal stuff... and I’m learning in the comments that I missed a lot or wild moments yall are picking up on.

Anyways, love y’all and from the bottom of my silly heart I appreciate the heck out of you for watching and engaging with the stuff I make. As always, Andrew Siwicki and I put our souls into this and watching yall love it and engage with it is a great joy to the both of us.

Aight. Yap City, population: 1 (me)

Ok I’m gonna do find some bread to eat cause that sounds so good right now but matter what, tell me something good in the comments cause I’ll be very in the comments for the next few days 💕

P.S. Shoutout to the 🐐 Andrew Siwicki for being my eternal haunted adventure buddy, my creative right hand man, and also for crafting this 🔥 thumbnail.

Garrett Watts
2 months ago - 16K likes


Trailer is on all the socials! @Garrett_Watts on everything if you want a sneak peak before TOMORROW! Aaahhhhh!

Garrett Watts
3 months ago - 21K likes

Hello my little babies. My absolute little bugs. For the record I do NOT love when YouTubers nickname the people that watch them... feels weird and vibes like 2014. Pass. I just really wanted to call you a baby and also a little bug cause both of those things are funny and cool to me. Anyways, sorry I'm yapping. I just want to say that I have been pretty darn diligent about uploading over on my side channel, "GARRETT UNHINGED" this year, and we are having FUN over there... and you know what... I'll say it... I'M PROUD OF ME. I have already posted several videos over there this year and just wanted to let y'all know that I am doing that here on my MAIN, cause perhaps I don't communicate that enough? Ha, IDK 🤷🏼‍♂️ I don't know what I'm doing (nobody does) but I am trying! Anyways, Here are some fun little stills from my new video "I'm Alone in Hawaii" over on GARRETT UNHINGED! 

Also I am not going to put a link to the video/channel because that would be weird because you are smart and you know how YouTube works and you know how to do things. 

Aight, Siwicki and I are currently holed-up in my office working on the next main channel vid... so I'm gotta get back to editing cause that's coming sooner than you might think 😉 Aight, love you. Be good. Later!

Garrett Watts
4 months ago - 19K likes

NEW MAIN CHANNEL VIDEO POSTED! - Overnight in a Haunted Hotel! And boy do I mean that haunted part. It genuinely surprised and horrified me how many completely unexplainable voices are in that video 🙃 For those of you who have already watched, Bless you! It’s been incredible chatting with yall in the comments and I’m damn delighted to see how much yall are liking this one! Andrew and I have been locked in my office, hidden away from the world editing it for about 4 weeks straight. We put hundreds of hours into that bad boy and seeing that work pay off in the form of y’all’s appreciation and engagement is incredible and from the bottom of my heart THANK YOU for allowing me to do this for a living. Here’s a photo of I in Andrew after the shoot in the mercantile (the place where I stole the pickle ice 🙊)

Garrett Watts
4 months ago - 25K likes


Garrett Watts
7 months ago - 19K likes

Hope y’all ate so good this past week. I sure did. Also I hung out with my mom a lot and that was extremely good and cute. We watched old movies together and cried a little about good stuff. Anyways HELLO sorry I’m rambling and that’s got nothing to do with this post. I wanted to tell you that on top of having the holidays be off to a stellar start for me, TODAY is also the last day yall’ can cop anything from this merch drop if you want over at! It goes away tonight! AND it’s also all 25% off! Besides the “Things Tray” 😏 for… things. That ain’t on sale but it’s only $8 cause I wanted to make something cool for yall that wasn’t expensive but also very rad. Aight anyways love you and be good and mind your manners and be careful of bad guys and bats 🦇 and also remember to say “I love you” to your friends and family and anyone you love cause life is short and love and kindness and friendship is tight and literally the only thing that matters.

P.s. Look at how cool Andrew looks in this photo he always looks so cool it’s crazy

Garrett Watts
8 months ago - 32K likes

YA BOYS DID IT! Just posted "Overnight In The Haunted Winchester House (With Sam and Colby)" Been working on this one for months. 2.5 hours long. Longest video on the channel and easily one of the most ambitious haunted videos on the channel, this one resulted in some of the most fun we have ever had but also some stuff that is deeply...deeply unsettling. This one is extremely difficult to describe and you just gotta dive in. Put our souls into this one and hope you love watching it as much as we loved making it for you. Aight, neither of us have slept in like 43 hours so we're gonna go find places to sleep. Or drinks. Honestly probably drinks. Oh and P.S. NEW Merch drop today at AND a new Unhinged video over on my side channel that pairs well with this new main channel vid ; )

Garrett Watts
8 months ago - 22K likes

Y'all. Andrew and I are in the final stretch, hopped up on coffee, sleepless, but THRILLED. I am losing my mind. We have been editing this baby non stop for two months and tomorrow it all happens. So many THINGS are happening tomorrow. I literally cannot wait for this. Just a matter of hours now... gotta get back to it but SEE YOU SOON...

Garrett Watts
9 months ago - 3.6K likes