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5 days ago - 366 likes

I wish I had more time as a student:(

Managing time as a student is hard. Maybe its finding time to balance everything, or you just wished you were able to get work done faster or reduce lost time to distractions.

"Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work in hand. The sun's rays do not burn until brought to a focus." - Alexander Graham Bell.

Time is the one thing that's fair for everyone. You get 24 hours in a day. That student who smoked you in the test just used his time better.

A lot of the time we just use our team in a meaningless way. Just as how light only burns when it's concentrated in a single point, your time should be used in the same way.

I read 7 books about Time, and all the experts agree that each day you should set some priorities and goals to work on.

Instead of just moving through tasks, try completing one task to competition.

"Task completion is a powerful source of motivation. The sense of achievement fuels our desire to tackle new challenges and set new and higher goals."

I always used to like do a little bit of Bio then switch to Chem and keep switching tasks.

When you switch tasks, the task takes 5x as long, whereas if you stick to a task you get it done in half the allocated time.

A 10 times difference.

This is one of the many tips I reveal in my full time management guide for students coming this Sunday.

Genuinely full of so many gems come watch it this Sunday


1 week ago - 286 likes

You know we're closer to 2025 now than to 2023? It feels like yesterday I was writing my new year's resolutions, but it's now officially past the halfway point of the year. Crazy stuff

Let this be your wake up call for a mid year reset! The best time to start might have been the 1st of January, but the second best time to start is now:)

Whatever you're going through rn, get through it and make the most of the 182 remaining days of 2024!

If you want to take a step in the right direction, make sure to join my FREE community for students; we're doing fun competitions + you can talk to other students:)

Join here ->

2 weeks ago - 283 likes

Was speaking about this with my students in Student Accelerator, but I thought it was really valuable, so I’ll share here.

Whenever you study or learn something, you need to look to make mistakes.

Idk if you guys have played the guitar, but the way you learn is you put your fingers on the frets, and strum.

Huh that’s sounds pretty weird. Let me try arching my fingers more.

You strum again and sounds better but a little flat. So you keep adjusting until you get a nice sound.

“Each time you act, err, adjust and repeat, you make an incremental improvement”

Josh Waitzkin ( champion of chess and also tai chi, a master at learning)

If you’re making mistakes, that means you’re actually doing the right thing.

After a workout if I don’t feel sore I probably didn’t push as hard, and I won’t make as much progress.

If you’re making mistakes that’s a sign that you’re doing the right thing and learning. You’re on the right track.

“Success lies on a mountain of mistakes.”

Brain scans prove that students who spend time correcting mistakes exhibit more mental activity

When you have to fight through a problem, more neural pathways are formed. Struggling to learn and making mistakes is what increases mental capacity.

Keep grinding your mistakes until it becomes a fortified link in your chain.

Don’t get demotivated for making mistakes; you’re doing the right thing:)

Hope this helped!

If you want EXCLUSIVE personalised videos + posts like this every single day, make sure to check out Student Accelerator here :…

Have a splendid day

2 weeks ago - 90 likes

How would you guys like more informative guide style videos that have less edits and are longer, but more value?

I want to make the best possible content that you guys find useful, so I’d appreciate you sharing your thoughts:)

When you watch my videos, what’s the split between Entertainment and Education you want?

For example, when you watch Mr Beast you watch for 100% entertainment, whereas you might watch Andrew Huber man for 100% Education, and watch me or a mix of both.

Let me know if you’d want to see more educational type videos, or if the split right now is okay.

2 weeks ago - 446 likes

Today I brought Ruff as a guest on Student Accelerator and asked him some questions about studying + productivity:)

One of the questions was 'What's one thing that changed the studying game for you?'

And Mr Ruff talked about Batching and how task switching stops you from being able to focus.

Results and productivity is like an exponential graph, and so when you sit down and do a bit, but then stop and switch task, you're resetting the bar before you can see results.

Like he said (very roughly) "It's like if you were trying to push a ball up a hill, you need constant force applied, but whenever you switch tasks or get distracted, you reset your progress and aren't able to get it past the hill, where you can just push it down and the results skyrocket."

Brian Tracy agrees with this and says that 'Starting and stopping repeatedly can increase the time needed to complete a task by 500%. In contrast, when you work without interruption, you can cut the time required to finish by half.'

Your study session might be taking 8 times as long just because of this one constraint.

It takes active willpower to not switch tasks, but try cutting out all distractions and have the mindset of "Win the day tasks" as Ruff said.

What's the main task for today that when completed will feel the best and lift the most weight off your shoulders?

Could be that big assignment or maybe its revising for the bio test. Whatever that is make sure to Batch it all, sit down and get the work done.

"Stop edging the success line, and just sit down and work.'

This Interview was exclusive to Student Accelerator and if you want to see the full recording + all future guest calls (big names), check it out here :…

Value is insane.

3 weeks ago - 437 likes

Just sat my final GCSE, and it's kind of surreal ngl. For the past 2 years everything were directed into these 11 subjects, and now it's gone.

I never have to speak another word of French again (amen), memorize another history date or remember polymers. But it also feels really weird.

I was walking to the train station with my friend, and he said to no one in particular 'damn, what's my life purpose now', and it's a damn good question.

The arrival fallacy refers to the belief that attaining a particular goal will lead to long-term happiness, and as students we tend to put everything behind those big exams right?

Wherever you are in the world reading this rn, you did your Gao Kaos, your JEE, your GCSEs, A levels, IB, APs, we all reach that but... What next?

I always used to struggle to stay productive after I completed a big milestone, and I know you relate. If you want to find out more, make sure to watch tomorrow's video:)

It's a banger.

3 weeks ago - 388 likes

"The winner takes it all . The loser's standing small"

People often assume that they need to set more goals to achieve success.

But in a race, the winner and the loser both had the same goal - to win right? It's not like it was the loser had a goal to lose, it just happened to be that way.

Setting goals are meaningless, UNLESS you do what I'm about to say. That list of goals you write on your wall only makes you feel good temporarily, but is useless unless you actively do things to get to that goal.

Goal is to get all As in your exam? Your REAL goal should then be to study 20 minutes every single day.

Goal is to get jacked in the gym? Your REAL goal should be to not eat junkfood and go to the gym everyday.

Goal is to learn the piano? Your REAL goal should be to practice every single day.

"Winners commit to the actions. Losers wish for outcomes." - Alex Hormozi.

Stop having goals and wishing for them to come true. This aint a Disney movie.

So rn, write down some ACTION goals you can implement from tomorrow; because that's what's gonna actually get you to where you want to be.

If you liked this, I write personalized advice + videos for you every single day in Student Accelerator, so if you want to check that out you can do so here!…

But hope you learned something and I'll see you next time.

1 month ago - 593 likes

If you need perfect conditions to start , it means your success is conditional.

If you want unconditional success , then be willing to start in under any circumstance.
That includes the one you're in right now.


I already know if you're reading this, you're having a lil break and scrolling, telling yourself that you'll study later; you'll start that thing later.

Stop waiting for the perfect time. I used to tell myself I can only study at nice round number (11:00, 12:00 etc) and I'd waste the day looking for a sign and waiting for the perfect moment💀

Imperfect action beats perfect inaction every single time.

Your "Now Habit", (Your ability to just do it), determines your success in anything you do.

So go do that thing you're putting off

1 month ago - 351 likes

8 Hours is the average screen time for people our age. And so if you're reading this, yours is something like that probably.

And 4 of those 8 are just on social media alone. It genuinely hit me how bad it's getting when my friend showed me his 17 hours a day screen time, and it made me wonder the extent of this problem.

It would be less bad if you liked being on your phone and scrolling, but for you reading this right now, you know you want to be doing other things, but it's like you're just trying to fill up the emptiness that you feel.

It's not a quick fix, but there is one thing that allowed me to start to take the right steps.

The number one regret of the dying was : ‘I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me’

Is social media the life that's true to yourself?

If not, and you want to also take the first step, look out for tomorrow's video about this very topic:)

Also now that you've read this, put your phone down and go do the thing you're meant to be doing rn.

1 month ago - 245 likes

Productivity is probably the biggest bottleneck among students.

I remember I'd always know what I had to do, I'd even sit down at my desk ready to study, but I'd be unable to stay focused and actually produce work.

It would feel like swimming upstream :(

The first step to becoming more productive is your Identity.

"Your habits are how you embody your identity."

"The most practical way to change who you are is to change what you do." - James Clear

Imagine we snapped our fingers and gave a fat person who wanted to lose weight the body of their dreams? They'd slowly lose that, because their IDENTITY hasn't changed.

Make productivity something that's aligned to your identity, and you'll find it work wonders.

Video out later today about this very topic, so if you want to learn more I'll see you there:)