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Adam Something @[email protected]

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in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

Adam Something
Posted 14 minutes ago

When the far-right identifies themselves as "Christian", they don't actually give a f--k about Jesus, God, or the tenets of the Bible. No, these people would put Jesus in a gas chamber for being Jewish, and then brag about it.

All they are about is that the aesthetic trappings of Christianity: the big cathedrals, the Warhammer 40K music and the epic, manly crusaders can be vaguely connected to "white civilization" in their heads, thus can be used as "proof" of their own racial superiority.

If Calvin Robinson, a UK priest and UKIP spokesperson, and Steve Skojec, a random facebook boomer, actually gave a flying f--k about Christianity, they would know that openly advocating for the breaking of one of the commandments, and publicly defying the pope, God's holy representative on Earth, would guarantee them a place in Hell. If they actually believed any of Christianity, they would be locked inside their home, repenting nine times a day for the rest of their lives.

They won't repent, they won't even apologize, because they don't care. They use Christianity the way an angsty teenager uses Warhammer 40K art as their phone background: where they get to LARP as an epic, righteous warrior philosopher, without realizing the source material is actually a critique against people like them.

343 - 57

Adam Something
Posted 3 days ago


35K - 1.3K

Adam Something
Posted 5 days ago

Here are some of my takeaways regarding the recent two German state elections. TL;DR: I stand by everything I said before German politics, and more.

During these elections, in Sachsen and Thüringen the far-right AfD came in first and a close second, while the other far-right (yes, far-right) party, the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance, came in a strong third. The traditional centrist parties, with the exception of the right wing CDU took a massive beating.

Before anyone would panic, these two federal states are tiny: Thüringen has a population of 2 million, Sachsen 4 million. Germany's total population is 84 million.

That being said, the far-right is clearly rising across the board, which is a big problem. An even bigger problem is that establishment parties have no response to it, and are slowly dying (SPD, FDP, Grüne), or themselves radicalizing to the far-right (CDU, CSU).

Naturally, the far-right AfD would need a leftist antithesis, which simply doesn't exist (yet). The BSW (Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance) is said to be "far-left", but I consider that journalistic malpractice. The BSW opposes non-white immigration, and is very pro-Russia, in addition to being self-proclaimed nationalists among other things. These are far-right values.

The BSW as a party grew out by seceding from the Linke (Left) party, which, as I said in the past, also isn't a real leftist movement. Surely enough, the moment the far-right BSW was formed, the Linke voter base collapsed immediately to less than half. Some leftist movement that is: the members of which switching to the far-right at a drop of a hat. The Linke party itself was also pro-Russia, anti-Ukraine, anti-US, and so on.

Germany is suffering from the exact same problem every other Western European country is suffering from:

- There are problems, such as the cost of living crisis, or concerns about immigration.

- The centrist parties have been unable to solve the problems, and in some cases only made it worse. Consequently people do not trust them anymore.

- Populist parties feel fresh and new, drawing in disillusioned voters. However, we only have right wing populist parties, the left is almost completely absent.

- A left populist party would have to offer leftist solutions to problems: Cost of living crisis - let's decommodify parts of our economy, turning them into nonprofit public services. Immigration - let's have common sense immigration policies at manageable numbers, but let's also understand that the world is divided into the top 1% and everyone else, not to races. Growing wealth inequality - we're gonna democratize the economy baby, all workers will be board members, and billionaires will be banned, any net worth above 999M will get a 100% tax rate, and so on.

As long as our two choices are:

A) more of the same, i.e. the slow, downward spiral,
B) a supposed glorious return to some smoothbrained 1950s-esque white ethnostate utopia,

and there is no alternative, i.e. a leftist party, as long as such a movement doesn't exist, our elections will continue to look like this: every single one will be another death battle for our democracies, to try and see whether the disappointing, exhausted centrist parties can claw together uneasy alliances every few years, just big enough to stop the far-right from taking over.

People need to be inspired. They must be presented a new narrative, a new worldview, new things to look forward to. The far-right manages to do this with fake promises about a return to an imaginary, glorious past. The left could inspire people with things that are true, for a change. Promising to finish the project of the Enlightenment, having begun centuries ago, by enacting its final promise: democracy in the economy. We're gonna bring down the cost of living, decommodify large swaths of the housing market and the energy sector, we're gonna give workers democratic control over corporations, and we'll end the reign of above-the-law billionaire oligarchs who hoard an ever-larger proportion of our countries' wealth, making all of us poorer. We, <insert leftist party name>, will do all that, so vote for us, not the fake populist far-right, obsessed with pointless culture war issues.

I believe this is the only long-term way to save our democracies, and YOU can also be a part of this, by adopting the above-mentioned cool, leftist values, learning how to speak publicly, and joining a viable, local political party that would be the most receptive to these values. The more minds you change, and the more of your buddies you bring in (ones who agree with you), the more leftward any party shifts, giving you (us) a shot at building a true leftist populist party, with viable, popular policies and solutions, which can be an antithesis to the far-right culture war type populism. The long-term alternative, I'm convinced, is the loss of our democracies, so take your pick accordingly.

And seriously, if you're considering partaking in politics, LEARN PUBLIC SPEAKING SKILLS. It's an incredibly low-hanging fruit. Most established veteran politicians couldn't chortle out a coherent paragraph without a teleprompter if their lives depended on it, and their oratory energy would put a rabid horde of coked-out chimpanzees to sleep. In some political environments a fun, energetic, memorable and rousing speech would instantly propel anyone to national fame. It would be nice if the person giving such a speech would be someone other than Viktor Orban for once.

8.8K - 1.5K

Adam Something
Posted 1 week ago

Trump has just blessed us with some prime meme material.

His illegal photo-op at Arlington Cemetery is the funniest thing I've seen in a while. Posing with the graves of dead soldiers, smiling, thumbs up. I bet that'll do wonders with his popularity among soldiers and veterans.

On the other hand, the photo itself is quite memeable! I even made a blank template for you lazy ones out there.

17K - 1.2K

Adam Something
Posted 1 week ago

In my last video I uttered some mean words about Prague. I'd like to clarify that they fully deserve it, and much more. The leadership of Prague is so hopelesaly car-brained that it's legitimately concerning.

Consider this article: the district of Prague 4 legalized parking on the sidewalk on a street, saying locals need more parking spaces.

The locals disagreed, and wanted their sidewalk back instead. The district declined, saying the locals cannot have their sidewalk back, because the locals need more parking spaces.

The locals sued the district in order to have their sidewalk restored. The court sided with the locals, and ordered the district to eliminate the parking spaces. The district then found a legal loophole, through which they could preserve the parking spaces on the sidewalk.

The locals sued the district again. The court again decided that the district should eliminate sidewalk parking on the street. And now we're back to present day, waiting for the district's next move.

It's genuinely incredible that many district leaderships in Prague will do everything to accommodate cars, and cars only, even if literally nobody wants it. They just cannot help themselves.

Prague is the most backward capital in the whole of Europe when it comes to urbanism. Nothing is being done for anyone but drivers, cars dominate every square meter of public space. The city is on par with Moscow when it comes to organizing public space.

There is basically no parking enforcement, and even if you’re the one in the million to receive a fine, it's a laughable amount, measured in the single digits in Euros.

The air quality is terrible, and outside of the city center, now an open air museum for tourists, there is not much to do or see.

Worse, liveable public spaces and non-car-centric infrastructure are now considered "culture war" topics in Czechia. If you raise your voice against bad planning, get ready to be called a communist, a "cycling fascist", or a green terrorist by conservative snowflakes.

The only luck we have is that Prague is already mostly built up. If these people got a free hand at building a city, Dubai would look like a progressive utopia next to the urban abomination they would create.

To sum up, Prague and many of its district leaderships deserve all the mockery and derision that can be directed towards them. Visit Prague if you want to experience Moscow, both in urbanism and mindset.

Article source:…

10K - 800

Adam Something
Posted 2 weeks ago

Here's my ultracynical take on the current state of the war in Ukraine.

Lots of ink has been spilled along the lines of "why is Ukraine wasting troops on Kursk when they're undermanned in Donbass?" I believe there are a few reasons for this.

First off, because Kursk could be used as a bargaining chip in the future, not to mention the large loss of face for Putin.

There is also the purposeful, simultaneous overstepping of twenty Russian red lines by Ukrainians. In the beginning, Western countries were afraid to supply even old Soviet hardware to Ukraine for fear of nuclear war. Now we have HD footage of German Marder IFVs running around inside Russia. This can (will) be used against Western politicians who are looking to throttle aid for fear of escalation.

The other reason for what Ukrainians are doing in my opinion, is that the Donbass doesn't really matter at this point. Patriotic slogans aside, the Donbass region is basically worthless. The productive population left years ago, local infrastructure was blown to bits, and everything is mined. It's a socioeconomic black hole, where one wrong step will cost you your leg. In any peace settlement between Russia and Ukraine, I imagine Ukraine would be content to trade in parts of Donbass for, say, the Kherson region (if Ukraine doesn't manage to take it back).

Finally, Russians haven't yet reached the main line of fortifications inside the Donbass. The fight is currently on fields and in villages, and even that is taking a toll on Russians. Meanwhile, there are multiple fortified cities they need to take at the end of their push. Considering how Russian storages are slowly emptying out, and that Russia too is suffering from manpower issues, I think Ukrainians calculated that Russians likely won't be able to take fortified cities like Sloviansk, so they can afford to send troops elsewhere, like Kursk.

There are some additional rumors about Ukraine plotting to push for Crimea as Russia is preoccupied with Kursk, but that sounds like armchair general daydreaming to me.

This is my assumption regarding the situation. We shall see how things develop further!

Map by Andrew Perpetua:

7.5K - 733

Adam Something
Posted 3 weeks ago

I've decided to highlight a video from  @RyanMcBethProgramming  about Project 2025, because it's a great example of missing the forest for the trees.

In this video, Ryan goes through a viral image listing what Project 2025 would do, looks up relevant keywords inside the actual Project 2025 document, and comes to the conclusion that the document itself does not specifically contain many of the points listed on the image.

First off, the obvious: yes, Ryan is doing the Enlightened Centrism bit. I think because he's still stuck somewhere between 2016 and 2020, where Trump seemed more like a bug than a feature; a loudmouth, wacky conservative showman, after whom we'll go right back to the Bush-Clinton-Obama era of level-headed civility. That world is gone however, with Republicans' hard shift to the far right, and the formation of far-right alternative realities.

Second, there is ambiguity about what the term "Project 2025" even means on the image: is it "the actual document", or is it "what Republicans want to do in 2025"? Ryan assumes the first. I'd say the second, but once again it's unclear. The image has no "obligation" to clarify which one it talks about, because it's meant to be viral political messaging, and because...

Third, politics is more than just a document full of policy points. This is where Ryan misses the hardest in my opinion: he's looking at the document in isolation. Meanwhile, the Project 2025 document must be understood in the context of the Republican Party as a whole, and where the party stands right now. Most points listed on the image have been talked about before by conservative politicians and/or their pundits, in the sense of "yeah, we want to do that". Looking through the bullet points on the image, they're basically distillations of the Republican Party's policy positions. Are all of them stated clearly in the document? Of course not, that's not at all how politics works, at least for Republicans.

A better question to ask regarding the image and the Project 2025 document is the following:
"Is a Republican government operating along the lines of that document likely to enact the policies listed on the image?"
To which the answer in my opinion is "Of course."

Republicans are an open threat to US democracy at this point. They now control the Supreme Court, which keeps making decisions in line with Republican values. Trump was given legal immunity. They want to demolish the administrative state, and give the president (Trump) a CEO-like control over America. They want to eradicate trans people (a Michael Knowles CPAC classic), and force women back into traditional gender roles. They are also openly questioning the democratic process, and the validity of elections. The list goes on.

In this environment, Ryan decided to nitpick a viral political meme AGAINST the above-mentioned political horror show, by word-searching a document full of euphemisms, dogwhistles and ambiguous language, which is rather tone-deaf in my opinion. It's no surprise people got mad at him, and I share their dislike of his video.

2.3K - 332

Adam Something
Posted 3 weeks ago

God almighty, to think that just a few weeks ago the best they could come up with was "Trump has the morals of an alley cat." It’s great to be back.

I don't know about you, but I'm feeling pretty damn good about the elections right now.

EDIT: source

22K - 1.6K

Adam Something
Posted 3 weeks ago


Olympics: Here’s a rendition of Winged Victory, famous ancient Greek statue.


17K - 1.3K

Adam Something
Posted 4 weeks ago

Why does Russia insist on holding onto the Kursk region? Why not give it up in exchange for peace? Boggles the mind.

16K - 830