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3 weeks ago - 1.7K likes

Where are most you from?

Thinking about doing free dinner meetups in different cities to connect

7 months ago - 4.7K likes

I can boil all self improvement content into one simple game. Win at this, you’ll win at life

If you’re interested in taking a step towards creating incredible long term opportunity for yourself, go check out to learn more 💪

7 months ago - 1.2K likes

Keep seeing comments like this regarding my short sleep schedule. These guys really aren't ready for tomorrow's launch. The video will show you how to make a Million dong something simple like Uber. Im not saying this to motivate you. Becoming financially successful WILL NOT BE EASY.

To answer your questions. it is 100% worth it. I come from one the poorest Latam counties. Hard work is already in my blood line. I was going to work hard regardless. I leveraged that same hard work my parents had and turned it into millions.

Now they are retired and my entire family has everything they need and more. Now my kids will start ahead of others and will develop generational wealth. That’s my purpose. Unfair advantage that other kids will complain about.

But you as their fathers had the same opportunity? You’re not thinking long. You’re thinking about the few hours today you get rest.

Also for life expectancy. Millionaires live on average 15 years longer than most. You have better access to healthcare, higher quality of food, and better comforts. They all worked equally the same. So yes. It’s 100% worth it

Take the first step:

7 months ago - 1.8K likes

It never gets easier the richer you get. Don't let them lie to you. The work changes, but it still has to get done.

If i was starting from $0, here is what i would do:

7 months ago - 5K likes

Do the hard work you’re putting off right now.

Take action and join our great filter series:

8 months ago - 197 likes

#3 **Life Is A Series of Choices, You Choose Wrong Daily**

Hey guys

In life we are offered a series of choices. Many of which you choose wrong daily.

Yes, you.

I’ll explain why in this video that just dropped on my Youtube channel. I talk about how these choices impact our journey. From career moves to personal habits, every choice carries weight. It's not about avoiding mistakes, but learning how to navigate them.

👉 Be sure to take a look.

When we are able to see how choices we make daily impact us in the short term and long term, we can see just how important it is to make the right decision, which is usually not the easiest one.

How and what we choose has the potential to make or break us.



8 months ago - 6.9K likes

This is who the Great Filter Series if for (swipe to read). I'm going to change those peoples lives. You have no idea what you are capable of, i'm going to make it bring out. Episode 4 drops tomorrow:

8 months ago - 4.8K likes

Episode 2 for the great filter series is out. Each episode will increase in difficulty as you become better and reach the top. That is life’s great filter. 99% fail.

8 months ago - 1.5K likes

Comment from today’s video. This is exactly what I told you would happen. You will get filtered out. This isn’t supposed to be advice for your health. It’s advice to succeed.

any person that has built or done something big has had to sacrifice sleep to get there. Even doctors. This is part of the filtration process.

The level of physical, emotional, and mental discomfort is too much for 99.9% of people. Till this day I’ll do 4-5 hour nights, no one is coming to save you other than yourself.

The videos will only get harder from here.

8 months ago - 2.9K likes

Episode 2 from The Great Filter series drops tomorrow @ 10 am est. Remember each episode will increase in difficulty as you learn real life skills to get to the top. The failure rate at the end is 99% as most will get filtered out by the work and sacrifice required to achieve everything you want. Reserve your spot: