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Emma Hubbard @[email protected]

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Hi! I'm a Pediatric Occupational Therapist with over 12 year

Emma Hubbard
3 months ago - 442 likes

I’ve been wanting to provide more support for parents around sleep during the early months for a long time, so I’m really excited to finally share this with you!

In case you missed my last video - after what feels like an eternity since I first started working on it, my brand new course to help you with 0-6 month old baby sleep, is open!

Peaceful Dreams provides you with gentle, evidence-based strategies and techniques to help with all the challenges of 0-6 month-old sleep, while also building a strong foundation for great sleep in the future.

If you’re struggling with settling your little one to sleep, very frequent waking, catnapping, a baby who wakes in the middle of the night for a feed and decides it’s playtime, difficulty settling when they’re fussy, a refusal to sleep anywhere but on you, or one of the many other challenges that come with 0-6m old sleep, Peaceful Dreams is designed to help.

You’ll learn how to approach each of these challenges, and also help you teach your baby to fall asleep in the crib with age-appropriate techniques that are gentle, and that work. And I know lots of people will be wondering, so I also want to mention that this course doesn’t involve crying it out.

On top of the videos, audio, ebooks and guides in the course, I also realise that often despite the best information available, parents just need a little extra support. Every baby is different, which means questions will always come up, and when they do I want to be able to make sure that you’re able to get the answers you need.

To help with that, I’ve also included a private Members Community. This is your place to ask questions and get additional support and guidance from me, my team, and others in the community sharing similar experiences to you.

If you’ve got a baby between 0-6 months old and would like help with their sleep, I’d love for you to join us inside Peaceful Dreams.

To celebrate the launch, you can currently save 30% off the regular price AND get 3 months of free access to the member’s community.

If it sounds like a good fit for your family, you can get all the details and join here 👉

Emma Hubbard
11 months ago - 144 likes

So excited to see feedback like this already for our new toddler behaviour course, Happy Place! Quick reminder - today is the last day to join and save 10% before the discount expires:

Emma Hubbard
11 months ago - 504 likes

In case you missed the big announcement in my last video - I’m so excited to share that our brand new toddler behaviour course, Happy Place, is open!
Happy Place is all about helping you and your little one navigate the challenges of toddlerhood, and all of the big emotions and challenges that come with it, successfully.

If you’re struggling with tantrums and meltdowns (at home, at the grocery store, and anywhere in between), hitting, biting, pushing, or other physical challenges, refusal to cooperate with almost everything (bath time, dinner, bedtime battles), Happy Place is here to help.

Using highly effective strategies based on the science of attachment theory, you’ll learn how to confidently navigate all of these challenges and more, while helping you raise happy, confident, connected, resilient, children.

If you’ve got a child between the ages of 1-6 years old and would like the tools, resources and strategies to navigate their big emotions and all the challenges that arise throughout this stage of development, I’m confident Happy Place will absolutely change the game for you.

Click here to get all the details and save with a limited-time discount to celebrate the launch:

Emma Hubbard
1 year ago - 1.1K likes

400,000 subscribers!! 🎉🎊

When I started this channel back in 2020, I could never have imagined reaching such an amazing milestone. To be honest, I still can't quite believe it 😂.

A huge thank you to every single one of you who has supported me along the way, whether you've watched a video or two, subscribed, shared my channel with other parents, or left wonderful comments. I truly appreciate you all ❤️

I can't wait to continue to support you all, and have so many exciting new projects to share with you soon!

Emma Hubbard
1 year ago - 3.8K likes

A week after her due date, our little one finally arrived!

She is absolutely gorgeous and adored by her siblings (who are smothering her with hugs, kisses and stories).

Life is certainly busier but definitely worth it. ❤️

Emma Hubbard
1 year ago - 74 likes

Looking to buy a new baby monitor before our new bub arrives. I’m struggling to decide, so let’s try crowdsourcing the decision 😂.

Do you have a baby monitor that you love and would recommend? Would love to hear everyone’s thoughts 💜

Emma Hubbard
2 years ago - 1.2K likes

Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season!

Much love from my family to yours.

Emma Hubbard
2 years ago - 150 likes

For the last couple of months we've been working hard on something brand new and I can't wait to share it with you!

What started as a YouTube channel to help new parents has grown into so much more.

We're only a few days away from the big reveal and I'm so excited!

Stay tuned for the big reveal 😁

Emma Hubbard
2 years ago - 568 likes

We did it! 🥳🍾. Can't believe we just crossed 100k subscribers! Thank you so much to each and every one of you for all of your amazing support.

When I started this channel with the goal of helping new parents, I honestly thought my immediate family and friends would be the only ones watching. I never expected to reach so many of you. Extremely grateful for all of you!

I hope I've helped make your parenting journey a little easier 🙂.

Emma Hubbard
3 years ago - 154 likes

Hey there mums and dads!

I’m planning my next round of videos for you and would love to know what you would be most interested in learning about!

Which topic interests you the most? And if it’s something else, let me know in the comments 🙂