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Raj Shamani Clips
6 days ago - 1.9K likes

This one mindset shift will make you a winner in life.

Itā€™s the ā€˜Positive Winning Mindset.'
Because people and situations can take many things away from you, but they canā€™t break a great spirit.

What does a positive mindset look like?
It looks like this:
-> ā€œSomeone can make me sad for 10mins.ā€
-> ā€œSomeone can make me cry for 10mins.ā€
-> ā€œSomeone can make me lose hope for 10mins.ā€
-> ā€œSomeone can make me feel broken for 10mins.ā€

But at the back of your mind, you know itā€™s just for 10 minutes.

After 10 minutes you will get up again and do what needs to be done,
you will again start working on your big goals.

Because in life you will have ups and downs,
but your mindset will take you places!

P.S. What is the one quote that inspires you when you feel low? Share with me in the comments.

#rajshamani #figuringout

Raj Shamani Clips
1 week ago - 1.2K likes

3 things that you should know if you want to become a content creator in 2024.

1. Being consistent = Being among the 1%

ā¤· Most people start with motivation but after a few days or weeks of not seeing any major results they give up.
ā¤· Commit for the next 6-9 months to consistently post on your social media. And you will be ahead of most of the people.

2. Understand your numbers

ā¤· You need to develop the skill of understanding the data of top creators, and what topics, hooks, and editing styles are working for them.
ā¤· Make a habit of keeping an eye on what kind of content is working and why and mold your content accordingly.

3. Tracking your data

ā¤· Build systems to track your data. Most people who give up are the ones who donā€™t track their progress and feel they are not growing.
ā¤· So, track your impressions, likes, saves, and shares and appreciate your gradual growth.

That's all I had for you today!

P.S. One lesson you have learned through creating content? Share with me in the comments.

#rajshamani #figuringout

Raj Shamani Clips
1 week ago - 552 likes

We have turned into a community of 400,000+ people!

Thank you for your constant support and feedback, it helps us improve and make our content better.

I promise to bring you the best videos and best knowledge from our podcast and let's keep working towards becoming a better version of ourselves.

Until next time, Keep Figuring Out.šŸš€

Raj Shamani Clips
1 week ago - 1.7K likes

If you are looking for a sign to change your life, then here it is.

-> Start eating healthy.

-> Say yes to new opportunities.

-> Go to a new city to chase your dreams.

-> Leave the toxic relationship that is holding you back.

-> Stand up for what you believe and live your truth.

-> Seek help and go to therapy if you need to heal.

-> Apply for that job, you might get it this time.

-> Buy that course and learn something new.

-> Donā€™t hesitate to leave that toxic friend.

-> Respect your boundaries and say no.

-> Work on your dream project.

-> Make 2024 your year.

P.S. What is your goal for 2024? Share with me in the comments.

#rajshamani #figuringout

Raj Shamani Clips
2 weeks ago - 1.7K likes

A gentle reminder if you are feeling stuck in life.

Itā€™s okay to feel stuck.

Because you know what? Every successful person has felt this exact feeling when they were working hard towards their dreams.

Trust me, they have gone through this same phase where you feel:
ā¤· You donā€™t know what to do next.

ā¤· You doubt if you are doing the right thing.

ā¤· You feel you are lonely because your friends are not able to understand this stage of your life.

ā¤· You overthink if you are being selfish or are being isolated.

But let me tell you one thing, itā€™s okay to feel this way.

- You are not stuck.
- You are not doing anything wrong.
- And you are not being selfish.

Because this feeling is of growth. This will happen but keep doing what you have been doing to reach this phase.

These are the things that will lead you towards success.

P.S. Have you felt any of these feelings? Tell me in the comments below.

#rajshamani #figuringout

Raj Shamani Clips
2 weeks ago - 728 likes

This perspective will help you stand out in the content creation industry.

There are normally two types of content.

1. Relationship based content.
2. Topic-based content.

-> In the first one, people love watching them no matter if they are doing the silliest thing.

-> In the topic-based content, people follow them because they love the topic.

-> In topic-based content, you are only as good as your next content.

-> This means you constantly need to research a good topic and make the content around it.

But I chose to create a third type of content which was documenting my life and sharing what I learned. I call it, ā€œMy life my Nicheā€.

What does this mean?

You create content around your life.

Example: If you are in college and you made 500rs today and your goal is to make 3000rs tomorrow then you can make a video documenting how you are making it.

If you are someone who is either confused or clueless about which niche to pick and get started, then making your life your niche can help you to start with.

P.S. What is the best advice that you have heard for content creation? Tell me in the comments.

#figuringout #rajshamani

Raj Shamani Clips
3 weeks ago - 1K likes

7 things to keep in mind if you are starting a startup in 2024.

1. It starts with an Idea
ā¤· Find an idea that solves the pain point rather than the one that enhances the experience.
ā¤· The pain point market is much bigger than the market that is working towards enhancing the experience.

2. Startup should have a USP
ā¤· Here USP means Unique Show-off proposition.
ā¤· Your startup idea should have some show-off capabilities.
ā¤· A product that gives people the ability to brag or to show off.

3. Have a network effect
ā¤· Think of how you can incentivize your audience to join your platform.
ā¤· Your product should have something that makes your audience invite more people to join your platform or buy your product.

4. Build a brand, before you build a business
ā¤· Even if you donā€™t have a business still focus on building a personal brand.
ā¤· Building a brand means you already have a customer base who are willing to buy from you.

5. Get in an industry where consumer behavior is changing
ā¤· Today consumers are shifting from intent-based buying to discovery-led buying.
ā¤· The brands that are using social media, and influencers are getting on edge over other brands.

6. Build a business when the big transformation is happening
ā¤· When a big transformation is happening in the market trend, build a business.
ā¤· Big brands take a long time to change so you can take advantage of the situation and build a successful business.

7. Make your product their habit
ā¤· Make a product that consumers are habitual towards.
ā¤· Consumers should be so addicted to your product that they canā€™t get back to the habits before your product.

P.S. Which of these tips did you find interesting? Share with me in the comments.

#rajshamani #figuringout #personalbranding #brandingexpert

Raj Shamani Clips
1 month ago - 57 likes

This story actually gave me goosebumps when Badshah shared it me on the podcast!šŸ˜®

Raj Shamani Clips
1 month ago - 3K likes

Sometimes we overthink and overimagine things that have not even happened. We imagine the worst scenarios and feel anxious or stressed. But we never overthink the best things happening to us. So the next time you overthink, switch your thoughts to positive thoughts.

P.S. How do you deal with your problems? Tell us in the comments.

Raj Shamani Clips
1 month ago - 49 likes

Why Sidhu Moose Wala & Shah Rukh Khan have such a devoted fandom? - Watch this video to know more.