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Welcome to the show! At Young and Profiting podcast, Hala Ta

Young and Profiting
1 day ago - 29 likes

It’s time to stop being impressed by money, followers, power, and looks…


Be impressed by generosity, humility, integrity, and kindness!

The world needs more of it ❤️

#YAP #YoungandProfiting #Podcast

Young and Profiting
4 days ago - 59 likes

It doesn’t matter how long it takes you to BECOME successful.

What matters is how long you STAY successful.

Young and Profiting
1 week ago - 52 likes

Your weaknesses are someone else’s strengths.

Find them and hire them.


Young and Profiting
1 week ago - 56 likes

Stop comparing yourself to someone else’s highlight reel!

Here’s six reasons why:

1️⃣ Bill Gates co-founded Microsoft at 19

2️⃣ Mark Cuban launched his first business at 25

3️⃣ Oprah started “The Oprah Winfrey Show” at 32

4️⃣ Vera Wang entered the fashion industry at 40

5️⃣ Ray Kroc turned McDonald’s into a franchise at 52

6️⃣ Colonel Harland Sanders opened the first KFC at 65

Your journey is unique to YOU…

And trust me, you’re right on track 😉

Young and Profiting
2 weeks ago - 66 likes

Don’t judge a book by its cover.

Young and Profiting
2 weeks ago - 44 likes

Not getting the results you want?

Well, you might be the problem…

Here’s why: Your audience is YOUR choice

So you need to choose the RIGHT audience for your niche.

The right audience should:

✅ Have a pain-point
👉🏼 What are they frustrated about in their lives and looking to fix?

✅ Be easy to target
👉🏼 Where is your audience? How easy can you target them?

✅ Have buying power
👉🏼 Can they afford whatever your service costs?

✅ Be in a growing market
👉🏼 Is this market growing or is it stagnant?

Once you figure out who you want to reach, it’s easier to create value for them.

Then the future you’ve always dreamed of won’t seem as far off 😉

Young and Profiting
3 weeks ago - 31 likes

Instead of waiting for a job to finally say YES to you…

It’s time for you to say yes to yourself and make your own opportunities!

Here’s 4️⃣ reasons why you should invest in building your personal brand:

1️⃣ Better position yourself for a job

Building and maintaining a successful personal brand is a skillset all on its OWN

At my first corporate job, my LinkedIn presence gave me an advantage

I got multiple promotions, more opportunities at work and was even noticed by the C-suite 👀

2️⃣ Become a competitive candidate

With this extra skill set, you are more visible and competitive as a potential employee ‼️

I was scouted by a Fortune 100 company due to my thought leadership in new media marketing

And since then, I’ve connected with other thought leaders across multiple industries

3️⃣ Become an industry thought leader

By sharing your opinion and expertise publicly, you establish yourself as a thought leader

It builds credibility and trust for potential employers when they research you

Or even potential clients down the line depending on which route you take

4️⃣ Drive more business

Instead of chasing down your next job, let your next job come to you!

I was poached via LinkedIn DM and received a 40% RAISE 📈

When I was ready to leave the corporate world, it’s because I had plenty of people asking for me to help with their social media presence !

So – whether you’re newly on the job hunt or you’re ready to create something of your own…

Your personal brand is an INVALUABLE asset that will change the game for you!

Young and Profiting
3 weeks ago - 54 likes

Young and Profiting
4 weeks ago - 53 likes

Leave your regrets behind in 2023.

2024 is all about making our dreams come true ✨

Who’s with me!?

Young and Profiting
1 month ago - 62 likes

The best things come to those who work hard and wait for it. 💖