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Sleepy Cat Meditations @[email protected]

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Immersive Bedtime Stories | Harry Potter | Lord of the Rings

Sleepy Cat Meditations
1 week ago - 107 likes


Hello my lovely Sleepy Cats,

I am opening up a commission slot for July, where I will write and create a customised sleep story (or meditation) just for you. We can discuss all of the details together, ensuring you get exactly what you're looking for!

If you're interested, you can check the details, and submit yourself, here:

All names will be placed in a random name generator, and I will contact the chosen person via email.

I look forward to (hopefully) working with you soon, and creating a personalised story that you will never forget :)

SC x

Sleepy Cat Meditations
1 week ago - 63 likes


Hello my lovely Sleepy Cats!

This month's patreon exclusive sleep story is set in a beautiful lavender meadow, where you will be surrounded by healing magic as you float through the fragrant fields and bask the beauty of the landscape around you. The hypnotic music and descriptions will soothe your mind and your body as you allow any of the worries or tension that are still lingering to slowly melt away.

You can listen to this story and seven other exclusives (new one's every month!), as well as join our wonderful Sleepy Cat community here:

Sleepy Cat Meditations
2 weeks ago - 132 likes


Hello my lovely Sleepy Cats,

I hope you're doing well!

A reminder that you can find much of my work on Insight Timer, a wonderful meditation app with a whole array of teachers and storytellers!

It would mean the world to me if you could follow my page (there are free accounts available on Insight Timer), and support my work by leaving comments and good ratings. Unlike YouTube, creators actually get a very small fee for simply replying to comments on Insight Timer, which I think is a fantastic incentive for listener's to leave to comments and for creators to build a community, which has always been my desire with Sleepy Cat since the beginning.

You can also find me on your favourite podcast platforms, and again it would mean a lot if you could leave a rating and review, as this really does help the channel to reach more people.



I am continuing to work on some cool ideas to branch out and hopefully I can share some more with you soon!

Best wishes :)

Sleepy Cat Meditations
3 weeks ago - 108 likes


Hello my lovely Sleepy Cats,

Coming next week is a brand new sleep story written by Donna, one of my amazing Patron's.

This is part of a new Patreon feature I am calling 'The Sleepy Cat Listener's Corner', where I will be hosting regular friendly writing competitions, allowing you, my listeners to have your say; to tell your stories and be given a chance to have them shared with the world!

I've had thoughts of doing something like this for years, but never felt ready to launch it... until now!

The idea for Listener's Corner was born out of receiving so many incredible story suggestions from you all, but being only one person I knew I would never be able to get through it, so I decided to open this opportunity up to Sleepy Cat patron's, to be able to breathe life into their ideas.

The first round of submissions (held a couple of months ago) were absolutely wonderful, and to be honest, they completely blew me away.

For our very first story I have chosen Donna's. It tells the tale of Karissa, a young adventure with a strong, courageous heart, who journey's to the heart of the Luminara forest, where the secrets of her ancestors await her underneath the glowing luminescent canopy of Auralis, the Tree of Life.

It is incredibly peaceful, and meditative, with beautiful hypnotic descriptions, and I really hope you love this as much as I do.

Thank you Donna for sharing your talent and creativity with me and this amazing community.

'The Wondrous Tree of Life' is already available and live RIGHT NOW on Patreon.

The Listener's Corner is open to all patron's (when each round is announced), and if you would love to have a go at sharing some of your ideas, and being part of our wonderful community, you can join here:

Best wishes to you all,
Sleepy Cat

Sleepy Cat Meditations
3 weeks ago - 92 likes


Take a trip to the healing garden tonight, and bask in the beauty and magic of this hidden world, where you will wash away your worries, cleanse your mind, and enter a deep tranquillity as you slowly drift off, guarded by the moon, the stars and an ancient Oak Tree.

Sleepy Cat Meditations
1 month ago - 440 likes

I just wanted to thank you all so much for your wonderful response and heartfelt comments on my previous post!

With over 150 (amazing) comments on this post alone, and around 70+ on other videos recently it’s not possible to reply to everyone, so I just wanted to let you know how grateful I am for this support, and that I will keep trying to make the best content as I can, staying true to what I believe in, and hopefully things can move in the right direction again!

I am keeping positive, and staying hopeful, but I did feel it was important to let you know that this was happening, as it can often be hard to know - when using this platform as an audience member - what’s actually going on behind the scenes for a lot of creators, not just myself.

I keep moving forward, and I’m exploring all sorts of ideas and options to continue bringing you as much quality content as I can!

Best wishes to you all,
Sleepy Cat x

Sleepy Cat Meditations
1 month ago - 600 likes


Hello my lovely Cats,

This is not a post I want to make, as I hate to sound like I am moaning, or complaining about things, as I feel truly lucky to have been able to turn this passion of mine into my daily bread and butter. However, things are really not looking good on YouTube.

It is completely natural to have ebbs and flows across the year with views and engagement, this is totally normal and just something we have to factor in when running these kinds of channels. But as you can see from this graph, my channel is getting fewer views than when I first became monetised in March/April 2021, over THREE YEARS AGO... I have no idea how this is possible.

I took a short break in the new year to focus on some personal things as well as to remaster a portion of my content because 1) I had issues with some old music licensing I had used previously so it needed replacing, and 2) I was really unhappy with the quality of work I produced 3-4 years ago. I have improved so much and wanted to create consistent quality in preparation for launching on Spotify and Insight Timer.

So despite actually using this break to work extremely hard on the future of the channel, it seems as though this brief time away from actually releasing has completely killed any traction I had.

If you couple this with the rise of the seemingly infinite channels popping up now, creating largely AI generated stories (and able to release 3-4 times per week), then I think Sleepy Cat is now being lost in the analytical abyss.

I never use AI with my story writing, and I've even gone back to writing my work by hand (it's actually quicker for me and allows me to focus more deeply than the distractions of Laptops etc.) so you can rest assured that when you listen to Sleepy Cat you are getting 100% hand-crafted content straight from the heart. This might mean that I don't release as quickly as others though, and sadly I guess this fact means that YT doesn't see my channel as "popular" as it once was. Despite releasing 2x tracks per week for the past 7 weeks this hasn't improved and has actually gotten worse...

I am still working on vast amounts of new content, and trying to create an eclectic mix of stories, meditations and more. I am also exploring other platforms in the hopes of building traction there, and not relying solely on YouTube to live as it is completely unsustainable. And as you can imagine, when your monthly salary drops by over half in the span of three months it is an incredibly stressful experience.

Thank you so much for reading this far. I am keeping as positive as I can, but I am also being realistic, and I have to be completely honest with you guys that bit by bit YouTube is starting to feel more and more of a challenge for small creators, and if things continue on this downward spiral, I am not sure how much longer I will be able to maintain this.

I know many others in this field are struggling, people like me who run their channel's by themselves and create all of their work by themselves (no teams, no AI etc), so it's reassuring to know I am not alone in this.

If you see this, and would like to help in any capacity then can you please give a like to my videos, leave a comment (I try to reply to all of them when possible), and share my work as much as you can. This may seem mundane, but if 5% of my listener's share and comment then this is well over 3,000 people and this could make a huge difference with reach.

I do have to say a huge thank you to my patrons who have truthfully been the difference makers these past few months with keeping Sleepy Cat afloat. They are complete superstars, and I hope they know just how much their support means to me.

I will not give up, and I will do all that I can to not allow this analytic machine to take something this precious away. But I needed to keep you all in the loop, and just give you a nudge to keep sharing and commenting and engaging, as it really does help. I will also make a short video about this when I can.

I wish you all the very best, and on Monday you will get to enjoy a previously exclusive patron story: Gandalf's Runes of Middle Earth!

Sleepy Cat x

Sleepy Cat Meditations
2 months ago - 89 likes


Fall asleep in complete serenity tonight as you allow yourself to be lulled into peace and comfort :)

I hope you enjoy tonight's sleep meditation! :)

Sleepy Cat x

Sleepy Cat Meditations
2 months ago - 86 likes

***The Serene Spanish Village***


Enjoy a beautiful bike ride across the Spanish countryside before arriving at a serene, hidden village. You will journey through the historic streets and visit the main square, where there is a food market for you to explore. You find a quiet street, meet a new friend, and enjoy a relaxing drink on the seafront before going back to your own private villa, ready to relax and fall asleep.

Contains soothing sound effects and peaceful music :)

I hope you enjoy!

Sleepy Cat x

Sleepy Cat Meditations
2 months ago - 207 likes


Hello my lovely Cats!

Just an update that I have launched my channel onto all your favourite podcast platforms, and I will be gradually uploading ALL of my content onto them over the coming weeks and months.


Please be sure to FOLLOW, and it would be incredible if you could leave a rating - ideally 5* ;) - and if possible a short review / testimonial about the channel. This would boost Sleepy Cat on Spotify / Apple etc, and allow me to reach more and more people who my work can hopefully help!

Thank you so much, I am actually going through ANOTHER house move (bit of a sudden shock for us), so please bear with me with my replies to comments etc. I am working hard now to get these remastered stories out to you twice per week and to start writing new stories very soon!

Best wishes,
Sleepy Cat