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Believers Testimonies
Posted 1 day ago

Many times people misjudge one another. - William Branham, God Being Misunderstood (61-0723E )

61 And now there’s many times that this
that people misjudge one another. And it is a bad thing to do. You say, “Why, she’s got short hair, she’s wearing her dresses too short, that—that—that’s not the Holy Spirit upon her.” Don’t do that! Don’t do that, that’s not right. You don’t know what’s in that woman’s heart. You don’t know nothing about it. You know that the Holy Spirit would make her conduct herself a little better, now, that may be true. But I’ll tell you, as you and I, let God do the judging of that, and let’s you and I just pray for that person that God will show them the Light.

62 Here some time ago a man met me out here, aside. And I had a pianist here that had a little, short, little skirt, and wasn’t just exactly, I guess, just right. And the lady had short hair, and she was just a babe in this Way, and she was playing the piano. And a man met me out there and just tearing me to pieces, he said, “And you’re a pentecostal preacher, and let that woman set up there! That short hair!” And just going on like everything.

63 “Well,” I said, “I think the woman has a good spirit in her. I certainly do not agree with that, you know, the skirt part up here, the two pieces.”

64 One of them is down here and one kind up here, it’s a shirt like they wear. And so it’s real thin and shows that underneath garment that they have around there. I don’t think that—that should be done. I—I don’t like that, I really don’t. I—I can’t
They—they might be just as Spirit-filled as anybody else, I don’t know; God knows that. But I wouldn’t condemn that woman and say that she was going to hell, by the sight.

65 This same person had in his church a lady who had long hair and wore long dresses, and had a temper enough to fight a buzz saw, and just as mean as she could be. Now, long hair and long skirts don’t take you to Heaven. No, sir! It’s the Spirit that’s in you takes you to Heaven. But if you as a Christian

66 Then you should remember that many times pastors don’t mention those things and the people just automatically go on, think it’s all right. But a pastor should really tear into that. And—and—and then the sisters of the church, those sisters who are in character standing, wearing their clothes neatly, they should be examples of sweetness, and—and motherly and sisterly-like.

67 And I think that any woman that’s motherly and godly and sisterly ought to go to such a person, and with sweetness of the Spirit, just sit down and talk to that lady. And if she is of God, the Holy Spirit will understand those things, and she’ll correct herself. But when you real quickly condemn her and drive her away, you might harm that young, born baby. See? So I—I wouldn’t condemn the person.

68 Now, the person speaking with tongues.

69 Now, I—I have to say something here that may be just a little strange, and if you don’t agree with me, that’s okay. You see, we misjudge these things so many times. Let’s always try to think the very best of anybody who’s trying to do what’s right. Let’s express our very best to them. Oh, they’re trying. We don’t know their heart, unless you have a discernment. And if they’re wrong, then if you got
The Bible said, “If a brother be overtaken in a fault, let them which are spiritual go to that brother in a spirit of meekness, considering your own self lest you be tempted, and see if you can’t reconcile that person, see, back to God.”

61-0723E - "God Being Misunderstood"
Rev. William Marrion Branham

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Believers Testimonies
Posted 1 week ago

A Testimony of Faith in the Face of Cancer Ron Spencer's Journey with Jesus - 5/31/2020

In this heartfelt interview, we sit down with Brother Ron Spencer, who is currently battling both brain and lung cancer. Despite his ongoing fight, Ron has graciously shared his powerful testimony of what the Lord Jesus Christ has done in his life. Through trials and triumphs, Ron’s unwavering faith has remained a beacon of hope and inspiration.

In this video, you'll hear Ron's personal experiences and the incredible ways he has witnessed God's hand at work. We captured this testimony in the midst of his battle, with the hope that his story will not only uplift your spirit but also strengthen your faith.

We pray that you are blessed by Ron's words and that his journey reminds you of the profound love and grace of our Savior. Please join us in continuing to pray for Brother Ron as he courageously faces this chapter in his life.

#Faith #Testimony #Healing #Jesus #CancerJourney #Miracles #Inspiration #ChristianTestimony #PrayForRonSpencer

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Believers Testimonies
Posted 2 weeks ago

Isaiah 43:18-19 Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. 

Malachi 4:2-5 But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall. And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the LORD of hosts.Remember ye the law of Moses my servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments. Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD

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Believers Testimonies
Posted 3 weeks ago

Come Tour Our Witnessing Booth

Witnessing Booth on now at the Northwest Washington Fair in Lynden, WA

Stop by for prayer, a word of encouragement or to read and see some amazing miracles that have happened recently.

Endtime Message Tabernacle strives to enlighten and speak truth to all who seek answers. Our mission is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ with revelation from the Bible for the end time we all live in now. Meeting you wherever you are with weekly messages of encouragement, inspirational teaching, and words of life from our local ministry team.

Visit our Website:

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Believers Testimonies
Posted 3 weeks ago

Try And Try Again []

Psalm 73:26 - My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever.

Have you ever been too afraid to try something? It is normal to be afraid to break out of your comfort zone. It doesn’t feel very good outside of that zone of control you have. When you break out of that sphere of comfort, it can feel like jumping into a cold lake. At first, it is uncomfortable, however, after a few minutes of swimming around in that cold water, your body adjusts to the temperature. Trying new things can be just like that.

Teddy Roosevelt said once during the speech, “Man In The Arena”:

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

Brother Branham was a man who was thrown into a cold lake at different times throughout his life. The Lord allowed situations to come up where it felt very uncomfortable. The important thing is that he kept on going and he kept on fighting. He stayed in the arena. The Lord was with him, even when Brother Branham himself didn’t feel like it.

Maybe you feel like a failure sometimes. Perhaps you have failed. It's okay. The important thing isn’t that you failed, it’s that you tried. Sometimes you just have to get back up and try again.

Though your flesh and your heart fail, the Lord is your portion and He is your strength. Keep trying.

60-0911M - "As I Was With Moses, So I Will Be With Thee"
But we find here that, God, in spite of all the failure that Moses had done, He still had His hand on him. And He called him to go, do His service, called him to his commission. And what a consolation that must have been to Joshua, when he heard God say, "As I was with Moses, so will I be with you." Although, if I'm trying, and I fail, God won't leave me. I never have much confidence in anybody that's too afraid to do anything. I would rather be found a failure than too lazy to try.

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Believers Testimonies
Posted 1 month ago

Satan’s Can’t list.. (excerpts from William Branham's sermons)
”Satan has no power to heal”

”Satan can't touch you unless the Shepherd permits it”

”Satan can't love”..
”Satan can't hurt me then without hurting my Father. ”
”Satan can't cast out Satan. ”
”Satan can't hold where God's standing”
”Satan can't create”
”Satan can't put his feet on them sands”
”Satan can't put his feet on those grounds where you and God stood alone. ”
”Satan can't get it as long as it's in my heart. God lives there. ”
”Satan can't kill me until God says "it's finished."
”Satan can't keep the revelation down when the Spirit wants to give
”Satan can’t be that
God is omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent.. Satan can’t be that.
”Satan cannot stand before that man. ”
“Satan cannot take it until God lets him do it.”
“Satan cannot rob us from it because it was given by sovereign grace”
“Satan cannot hold one speck of doubt in people's heart”
“ Satan cannot create life.”
“Satan cannot harm us, Lord. He could do everything he can do, and he can't touch us”
”The devil can't take you in complete control..”
”The devil can't tramp on the Word of God”
“The devil can't destroy God's servant as long as he's in the will of God”

« E-51 † He's here in Charlotte right now. He's omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, infinite. He's everywhere, all the time, every place. Satan can't be that, for God's the only One Who's omnipotent, and omniscient, and onmipresent.

57-0630 THIRSTING.FOR.LIFE_ CHICAGO.IL SUNDAY_« E-15 † Satan cannot create life. He can only pervert what God has created. Satan has no way...?... There's only one Creator, that's God. Satan couldn't heal; medicine couldn't heal. There's nothing else can heal but God, 'cause He's the only Creator. And anybody that's intelligent would know enough to know that there is not a medicine, or a drug, or nothing in the world that can create life. God is the only solemn One can in creation alone, for He said, "I am the Lord that healeth all of thy diseases."

« E-53 † If Satan can heal, God told something wrong. Jesus said Satan cannot heal. To be a healer he'd have to be a creator; if he's a creator, he's God. Satan cannot create; he perverts what God has created. He is not a, he is not a--a creator; he's a perverter. Righteousness... What is sin? Righteousness perverted. Correctly. Now, let us be reverent for a few moments. And if you will, "Only Believe."

55-1008 THE.RESULTS.OF.DECISION_ CHICAGO.IL SATURDAY_« E-13 † Now, Satan does... We do not want to be mistaken. Satan has a power. And that power is death. And he can.. He has the--a power of death. Satan is the one who takes your life when God will let him do it. But God can hold your life, and Satan cannot take it until God lets him do it. He can only use that power as God will let him use it. Isn't that wonderful? Death... You know, someone said one time, "What is death?"
He said, "God harnessed death up to a buggy, and the only thing death can do is pull the believer in the Presence of his Maker." So it ain't a bad thing after all, is it?
You know, I wouldn't want to live in this old pesthouse all the time. Would you? Well, looky here what forty-six years has done for me. Hmmm. I was thinking, not long ago I was a little chubby handed boy playing marbles. Hasn't been, look like, just two changes of the moon since I was a young fellow and straight in the shoulders; and I'd won the Bantamweight Championship in the Golden Gloves, and went out in professional fighting, and I--I thought I was a big fellow.
« E-45 † I tell you, brother, the devil can whoop you around the stumps on how you felt when you got it. Somebody said, "I feel good, the reason I know I got It." Now, that's not the reason I know I got It. The reason I know I've met God's condition and the devil can't tramp on the Word of God. It's THUS SAITH THE LORD. That's it. Upon the basis of the promise of God, I've met God conditions and know I have Eternal Life. That's the way every believer does it, 'cause he's met God's conditions and the requirements that was laid down to him. Oh, my.

« E-3 † Let's bow our heads just a moment. Now, Father, dear, we love You; we pray that You'll forgive us of our trespasses, and help us in--in this coming part of the service now. And then in the healing line, grant, O Lord God, that Your Spirit will be so overpowering tonight, that Satan cannot hold one speck of doubt in people's heart; but they may all believe with one accord, and may there be a great rejoicing. And may many that's setting here that's sick and afflicted, go home well; sinners go home saved; backsliders go home back in fellowship with God again. Grant it, Father, for we ask it, in Jesus' Name. Amen.
Now, I'll try to get over here just a little bit, if you excuse me. I want to watch that clock so I won't... I want to start the prayer line at nine o'clock.

« E-84 † What was that? Yes. All right. Brother Ballard. [The brother says, "A Mrs. Mel Rosenneck wanted at one of the hospitals immediately. But you call BRoadway 6-2664. Mrs. Mel Rosenneck call BRoadway 6-2664."--Ed.]
Let's bow our head. If that's an emergency, let's bow our heads.
Heavenly Father, if Your child is in here tonight and Satan is trying to do something evil, as Your Church, as the Body of Jesus Christ who has power to loose or to bind on this earth, we now claim that, and Satan cannot rob us from it because it was given by sovereign grace. And we ask that the woman that, or the person that's in the hospital that's very sick or what's wrong, that the mercies of God will fall upon that person and Satan will be drove away, and the person will be made well. And bless that one who is here that's listened to the Message, and when they get there anointed with this Spirit, I send it in the Name of Jesus. Let them lay their hands upon the patient and may the spirit of life turn to the patient and they live in Jesus' Christ Name. Amen.
Don't fear. Ever who you are, when you get there, lay your hand on the patient and don't be afraid. Only believe. You shall see the glory of God. All right.

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Believers Testimonies
Posted 1 month ago

"Love the unloveable"... That's really a good sign of Christianity

« 109 Reverence! We ought to honor one another, respect one another, as brother, sister. And love one another, with undying love. You say, "Well, I just can't." Well, just stay here a little longer, and then you will like people, too. You'll love those who doesn't love you. That's really a good sign of Christianity: when you can, from your heart, love those who does not love you. Love the unloveable.
110 Jesus said, "If you just do favors for those that do favors for you, well, the publicans do the same thing." But, see, you must be kind to those who are unkind to you. Do good for those that would do evil to you. Always remember that. Keep that before you, that God is watching you. Remember, God was good to you when you were evil to Him. "While you were yet sinners, Christ died for you."

Matthew 5:44-45: "But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust."

Luke 6:27-28: "But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you, Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you."

Romans 12:20: "Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head."

Proverbs 25:21-22: "If thine enemy be hungry, give him bread to eat; and if he be thirsty, give him water to drink: For thou shalt heap coals of fire upon his head, and the Lord shall reward thee."

1 Peter 3:9: "Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise blessing; knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye should inherit a blessing."

1 John 4:7-8: "Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love."

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Believers Testimonies
Posted 1 month ago

Q&A "How am I supposed to show my wife that I really care for her" - William Branham

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Believers Testimonies
Posted 1 month ago

The Gospel in the anatomy and physiology of our bodies..

1 Corinthians 12:12-27 KJV
For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ. For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. For the body is not one member, but many. If the foot shall say, Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body? And if the ear shall say, Because I am not the eye, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body? If the whole body were an eye, where were the hearing? If the whole were hearing, where were the smelling? But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him. And if they were all one member, where were the body? But now are they many members, yet but one body. And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee: nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you. Nay, much more those members of the body, which seem to be more feeble, are necessary: and those members of the body, which we think to be less honourable, upon these we bestow more abundant honour; and our uncomely parts have more abundant comeliness. For our comely parts have no need: but God hath tempered the body together, having given more abundant honour to that part which lacked: that there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have the same care one for another. And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it. Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular.

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Believers Testimonies
Posted 2 months ago

The following are certified testimonies from well-known preachers and evangelists from AROUND THE WORLD concerning the ministry of William M. Branham, The God's sent Prophet in the last days.

When the gift is operating, Brother Branham is the most sensitive person to the presence and working of the Holy Spirit and to spiritual realities of any person I have known.” (A Prophet Visits South Africa)

I want to say that I have been privileged to interact so often with Brother Branham. I was the last minister ordained by this prophet of God. I was the last person that was seen by him in a public vision. I was the last preacher that he heard preach. I had the privilege of being the last one he served the Lord’s Supper to, and I was the last one to serve him. I was the first person to see him when he regained consciousness, which was at the time that I told him about the moon and the blood-red-colored teardrop.

I was the last person that he tried to speak to. I was the first believer to know that he had left this life—I was the first believer to see and touch his body after he had passed away. I was the first believer that saw him in the shipping casket, dressed in a white robe. I was the first believer that saw his body after it was prepared for the funeral. My hands were the last ones to touch Brother Branham’s body. And, I was the last person to view Brother Branham’s body as the casket was closed.

Why do I recount my personal experiences with Brother Branham? I want you to know I was privileged. Having these experiences doesn’t make me better, but they are facts that happened in my life and my ministry with Brother Branham. What excuse will I have on that day? I knew Brother Branham; I saw him; I had the privilege to talk with him, to observe him, and to spend some time with him. I claim to have heard all of Brother Branham’s sermons and to have read all of his sermons that are transcribed and printed in books.

What excuse will I have when I stand before God, if I’m not obedient to it? All of this doesn’t make me more important or greater than anyone else; it makes me more responsible. I can say without reservation that God has visited this generation with a mighty prophet—William Marrion Branham—"

God has chosen diverse and mysterious ways to reveal Himself to His servants especially those called for dispensational purposes as was Brother Branham’s call. In short, the man we know as William Branham was sent to demonstrate God again in flesh" (William Branham Memorial Service)

Never had we known of any preacher calling deaf, mutes and blind people to pray for, and then to see those people delivered on the spot... a ministry that was beyond any that we had before witnessed" (The House that the Lord Built)

A humble devout man of God.” (Healing Waters, July 1948)

The most gifted of all the evangelists.” (All Thingsare Possible by David Harell, Jr)

Sometimes I was scared because of the deep sense of holiness that penetrated the meeting, but I never failed to see the gift of God in operation through His servant and feel the warmth of love that flowed through his ministry.” (The Herald of Faith, February 1966)

God called this humble man and anointed his ministry to a degree that within a few short years his name was known in the most remote jungle outstation. Wherever you would go in this world you would find that the name of this messenger has preceded you.” (Introduction of Morris Cerullo’s Book, Wind Over the 20th Century)

It was Branham, more than any other evangelist, who started the postWorld War-II fundamentalist healing revival following his encounter with an angel on May 7, 1946 . Word radiated in every direction that all manner of diseases and afflictions were healed instantly by the little Indiana preacher. Even cases of raising the dead were published." (The Preachers)

In Bible days, there were men of God who were prophets and seers. But in all the sacred records, none of these had a greater ministry than that of William Branham, a Prophet and Seer of God, whose photograph appears on the front cover of this issue of Full Gospel Men’s Voice. Branham has been used by God, in the Name of Jesus, to raise the dead.” (Full Gospel Men’s Voice Magazine, February 1961)

Most of the participants of the healing revival that erupted in 1947 looked upon Branham as its initiator. William Branham became a prophet to a generation. Night after night, before thousands of awed believers, he discerned the diseases of the sick and pronounced them healed. The power of a Branham service remains a legend unparalleled in the history of the Charismatic Movement.” (All Things Are Possible)

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