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Ideas that inspire a life well-lived. Welcome to The Well, a

How science is a social enterprise ft. George Musser #shorts What wins fights–facts or emotions? #shorts You get 3 billion heartbeats. Why are people afraid of the future? NASA's plan to retrieve rock samples from Mars The eternal advantage of analog media ft. Steve Albini #shorts Fred Armisen already has his funeral planned #shorts Are we underestimating the consciousness of animals? #shorts The Godfrey Reggio Philosophy #shorts The "ocean theory" of consciousness #shorts The common thread through all human experience #shorts How Jane Goodall became interested in science at age 4 #shorts Terry Crews on how one teacher's encouragement changed his life #shorts Jane Goodall on death, her next great adventure #shorts The philosophy behind being a scientist #shorts This lab is imitating the universe right after the Big Bang #shorts Why skepticism matters in science #shorts These space antennae can only function at -450ºF #shorts What do astronomers and the ancient Incans have in common? #shorts All of humanity is contained in this one photograph #shorts How certainty can be destructive #shorts The key to having great conversations #shorts The 2 kinds of human motivation #shorts How to make a ripple in the fabric of space #shorts What if the universe lost matter? #shorts There is really only a 'we' #shorts The most difficult part of physics #shorts Is our universe actually special? #shorts Why some scientists critique the multiverse theory #shorts The optical illusion of worm holes #shorts The campaign for the "theory of everything" #shorts How black holes challenge our understanding of science #shorts Your body vs. a black hole #shorts How black holes can unite humanity #shorts How time warps around a black hole #shorts Can you actually escape a black hole? #shorts What are incompleteness theorems? #shorts Defining "spacetime" in under a minute #shorts A common misconception about black holes #shorts What if we could communicate with cells? #shorts The true power of genomes #shorts Xenobots: The coolest self-replicating cells #shorts These tadpoles can rearrange their faces #shorts What ducks can teach us about "the self" #shorts The spirituality wavelength #shorts How the brain benefits from spirituality #shorts You are a naturally spiritual being #shorts How to awaken your brain #shorts